
The Gore-Tex membrane by itself does this - it allows air through but not water. Unfortunately, you can’t just have something made out of the Gore-Tex membrane. It’s too fragile since it’s basically just Teflon with lots of tiny holes. And it’s not too comfortable.

There are two different types of job replacement here. The first is Gary, where a skilled technician doing what is (presumably) an interesting job gets replaced by truly new technology (3D printing) that does what he’s doing easier. I’d feel bad about automating him out of a job.

Oh like he was even trying on his 2018 challenge. He spent the whole year shuttling around and lying to people about what Facebook was doing, which is not quite the same as attempting to fix its problems - unless you consider its only problem to be having bad publicity, which I think is quite possible for him.

You don’t need quotes around the ‘garbage’, they really are garbage.  Yeah, I know that’s a quote for Snyder but it stands on its own.

Hahaha, Oath never had any goodwill.

Bitcoin people are suuuuure getting desperate.  Watch out when it’s down to $1000/coin.

I do get your fine line point, but for example - I don’t have a problem with ever accidentally saying the N-word because I’m not the sort of person who casually (actually, never) says the N-word.

I downvoted the Rewind not because I like Logan or PewDiePie (god no), but because the whole thing is just an advertiser whoring whitewash. That’s not YouTube, it’s just a YouTube PR video. (You may say ‘that’s the point’, and yes, but I still hate terrible PR videos.)

If I liked Katy Perry I’d say she deserves better than to be in this ghetto F2P gacha hell mobile game... but this seems appropriate.

Since there are no actual children involved it isn’t illegal in the US - just super creepy.

I am fine with them banning it - what I am objecting to is their latest in a long round of flailing and contradictory policies and violating their own policies, changing their minds every couple weeks whether mildly adult content is cool or not, leaving developers of even fully adult games scrambling to try to figure

This is the stupidest possible take on it. I don’t like the games (kids suck, I hate kids, I certainly don’t want to sleep with the stupid, annoying, little disease factories), I just want Steam to actually comply with their stated policies for once in their entire existence - or just admit they’re full of shit and

I predicted (no great skills needed here) that Steam would continue to be capricious and inconsistently violate their own rules even after this latest ‘for sure this time’ and sure enough.

Wheee! I’m gonna wait till it’s done, but this looks great.

RDR2 was frickin’ huge, and fun to tool around with, but GoW was a much better, much more focused game as a whole. They nailed everything.

So what they’re doing as of today is 1) some exclusives, 2) giving away free games.

From what I’ve seen Rage 2 is definitely more Mad Max, but lacks the unicorn rainbow vomit here (though it does like filters).  I’ll take ‘em both!

So it’s Mad Max with the color cranked up to crazy like in Blood Dragon & bits of FC4.  Should be better than Fallout 76!

It’s a good time to be a psycho helicopter parent!