Only thing that bothered me about the trailer is that Mario seemed like a bumbling idiot through pretty much all of it. There might only be a few scenes like that in the movie but in the trailer it feels like a lot, time will tell.
Only thing that bothered me about the trailer is that Mario seemed like a bumbling idiot through pretty much all of it. There might only be a few scenes like that in the movie but in the trailer it feels like a lot, time will tell.
Not to mention that he had warned Netflix after filming season 2 that if they veered away from the books any further he would leave. That might not be what happened here, but knowing that and hearing about the article you referenced makes me think something in the filming of season 3 or the script of season 4 bothered…
This is the real BS, because she can claim all day that it wasn’t a lie. Her final offer really was $4,000. She makes no mention of the initial and second offer being significantly higher, and she makes no mention of the final offer being for essentially a cameo and not for the main character.
It’s been years since the pound was worth double the dollar. Right now £3,000 comes out to about $3,393, when these negotiations took place it probably came out to a little bit more than $4,000.
Florida doesn’t seem safe for any community, including the ones that reside there.
Worst part of Andromeda was the squad mechanics IMO. They gave us back the ability to completely change our squadmates gear/loadout, but simultaneously removed our ability to command our squadmates. The AI wasn’t competent enough, so for the most part your squadmates were just some people who happened to be nearby. Te…
The answer is yes, they will.
Ferrari is one of the safest brands on the planet. They aren’t affected by recessions, they don’t need a marketing department, they can afford to flat out turn away customers who don’t fit their ideal. So they’re a terrible example if you’re trying to demonstrate how these people don’t have good business sense…
Genshin has made billions of dollars a year for them since its release, so as far as they’re concerned the international response has been incredibly positive.
My favorite feature so far has been that when you encounter an enemy squad while not actively in combat, it restarts your turn while also letting the enemy react and position itself accordingly.
The average CoD player doesn’t give a shit about the story mode.
She was vaccinated, along with everyone else who attended the convention.
Based on his initial reaction to the joke though, which was laughter, it seemed to me like she might have goaded him into the confrontation.
Isn’t it privateering when the government is paying you to do it?
None of the comments referenced in the article seem particularly salty to me.
It wasn’t for Warhammer II either, and its an even bigger undertaking this time around.
Unfortunately it doesn’t. Streamers are celebrities, and tabloids have been publishing stories like this about celebrities for 100 years. The world has been lame for a long time.
I understand where you’re coming from, but I didn’t get that aggressive vibe from English Zhongli at all. He has always sounded very calm and patient to me in English.
It pisses me off more that he didn’t suffer legal consequences over it. He livestreamed his own evidence of a crime he committed, and everyone just moved on.