
Agreed, and I think it was interesting twist to really feel the weight behind every attack. It was a very different Gundam experience in that sense, and I think the animation and sound design did an excellent job supporting that.

I think maybe they should allow this, but they should put all of the “VIP” players in the same bracket and everyone can enjoy the bloodbath in early pool play, with only one pro player making it out.

If the organizers wanted it to be an invitational they’d have made it an invitational.  It’s an open tournament because that’s what they want it to be.  Deal with it.

I didn’t even make it past the convoluted account/login setup they had when I tried to play the beta.  Too bad though, it looked interesting.

Many of his long breaks were explained as health issues to the fanbase.  As sad as this is, it’s been clear for a long time that he was not in good health.

Yes and no, they are very much different communities. The FGC has been around since the days of arcades, and its still a lot of the same people from that time. eSports came about separately as the FGC just kept chugging along doing what it had always done.

They should have had enough when he recorded in a public bathroom, they just didn’t want to lose the revenue.

FChamp is a notorious troll, and I guarantee he did this intentionally looking for the controversy. I doubt he expected to be banned though, and I say good riddance. He’s been an asshole (and a cheater IMO) for a long time and tournament organizers tolerated, and in some cases enabled, him because he was a big name.

We need to remind them that the “heritage” they’re trying to protect is the heritage of losing the only war they ever fought, and losing the fight that started the war in the first place. It is the heritage of losers.

We’ve gone through this before.  EA has on several occassions attempted to improve it’s image and made decisions beneficial to gamers.  Each time it only takes a year or two before they fall back into their normal behavior.

Why get a detail like the dent correct but then mess up the color though?  Fett doesn’t have yellow trim on his helmet or his cuirass.

That’s not Fett’s armor. As to why he has more Mandalorian armor onboard, I don’t know.

I think he’s referring to the gates, not flashing.

Not very impressive, and very ugly.

I feel like everyone in the football world knew Adam Gase was a bad coach, so how did the Jets not see it?  Furthermore, why are there so many bad coaches in the league?

I think that one was after the muffed punt.

Obviously the correct answer is that she can’t cosplay that character at all because she doesn’t have the right skin color...

Since 2001 The Patriots have a higher win percentage playing the rest of the league than they do playing within their own division.

Swap out the Steelers and the Bills in your breakdown of the Patriots opponents. The Bills are actually a decent team right now, and the Steelers are hot garbage.