
So now that their own actions have damaged the company’s image, do they keep to their policy and ban themselves?

Because we’ve been telling everyone for a few decades that they are “perfect just the way they are”. Everyone is special, self esteem is the most important aspect of raising a child, etc. It has unsurprisingly led to an astounding number of narcissists.

Even the original Cold War incarnation of Jack Ryan was a former marine, so the groundwork has always been there for him to be fighter when necessary.

Larry Fitzgerald was also given the grace period along with Brady and Rodgers, all 3 have already moved on to new helmets. However, Brown’s helmet wasn’t on the NFL’s list of tested helmets, even though other models in the Schutt AiR family were. It may actually be a case of Brown being the only player in the NFL

I feel like he doesn’t want to play in the NFL any more, and is just making a circus before he leaves.

Yeah, there was a Seinfeld episode where Kramer was doing this and he attributed it to DaVinci.

My biggest takeaway from this article is that Broncos fans think about Kool-Aid a lot.

Gotta feel bad for the trainer. He tried to do the right thing despite his boxer’s protests, but it still wasn’t in time.

The PTSD aspect interests me. The entirety of the industry and its fanbase has always denounced the possibility of negative effects stemming from violence in video games. If we’re now saying that creating the art negatively effects our mental health, then can we really still claim that experiencing the art can’t

As a long time Fire Emblem player I used to save scum everything, but in the last few years I’ve been letting permadeath determine my squad in a sense. In the early game I accept permadeath and move on, and then once I develop a team that has leveled appropriately and has been through a lot of battles with me I can’t

Maybe at first but if that family member was the sole or even just the primary earner in their household, the tragedy can be made even worse by ignoring the financial situation.

Tear gas.

I think what makes FE seem defensive is that you are always outnumbered. In a turn-based game that means that your forward most characters are going to have to fight way more enemies than their fair share on any given turn. In those situations its almost certainly a death sentence to allow them to be surrounded, so

Golf is better to watch than Baseball. I’m not actually interested in either sport but at least in golf broadcasts, they continually switch between the golfers so that you’re always watching someone actually play golf. In baseball broadcasts, you get one pitch that was a ball, and then have to watch 5 minutes of both

Jealous man tries to cash in on success of game he disdains

I had to double check that I hadn’t wandered into the Onion by mistake when I read the headline.  I really have nothing else to say about this...

I noticed this as well, but I just assumed it became a game misconduct because it was his second instigator penalty of the night.

Unions bring their own problems to the table. I’ve held both union jobs and non-union jobs in my current field, and in my experience the unions were much worse places to work overall. To each his own, but I would be severely disappointed if where I work now unionized.