
It’s misandry at the same time.

The people who claim it is about preserving history are definitely full of shit, but the timeline actually makes sense if that were the original goal. That would be around the time period that the last of the people who actually had firsthand experience with the events in question were dying of old age, hence history

Dammit Disney, pull the exclusive license from these morons already.

And why are you giggling? The higher cost of living you see in other parts of the U.S. reflect the higher income of those areas. It doesn’t always even out, but if you’re in danger of losing your $35,000 house to foreclosure what advantages do you think you have over someone paying off a $300,000 house in an area

Even if she is right (I have no idea), taking the stance that we shouldn’t give public money to a millionaire because his team isn’t very good seems like she’s kinda missing the point.

They didn’t treat China any better, and China calls it the Sea of Japan.

*You should totally continue throwing away spoiled food, but this product will help keep your food from spoiling.

*You should totally continue throwing away spoiled food, but this product will help keep your food from spoiling.

It’s all EA, nothing to do with the development team. Almost 6 years into their 10 year exclusive license and EA has still only released 2 Star Wars games, both of which are in the same series of games. It’s pretty pathetic when you think of how big EA really is.

Nah, sporting events don’t turn people into obnoxious dicks.  Sporting events just attract obnoxious dicks.

Burning a timeout is far more favorable than letting your opponent march down the field and score.  Especially when you still have all 3 of your timeouts for the first half, of which there was less than a minute remaining.

One of the key attributes of a sociopath is a lack of guilt or remorse for their wrongdoings.  Just because you aren’t a serial killer doesn’t mean you aren’t a sociopath.

Why do they need to be down to their underwear for this process?

Interestingly enough, the current culture of “college is the only way to get anywhere in life” is the reason that blue collar workers are doing so well. By driving everyone to college, we’ve starved the skilled labor fields of manpower. Those skillsets are now in high demand and its a fun market to be in as a blue

Don’t make excuses for them. They may have cancelled all their subsequent attempts because the RTS genre is not a big seller right now, but the real reason C&C is dead is because C&C4 was a complete shitpile.

Both sides are susceptible to these kinds of tricks. Most people pick a political party and stick with it no matter what, with little to no knowledge about the issues or even their candidate’s stance on said issues. Case in point, watch the Jimmy Kimmel election segment where he asks people on the street what they

The only headshot kill I’ve seen so far in my campaign was in my favor, and it was from a melee attack of all things. The brutality of a mech’s fist smashing through your cockpit is not a pleasant image.

No, I considered dropping the show for the manner in which the romantic drama was delivered. It was dragged out so long that it felt like the creators were just filling up an episode, taking up time. It was forced drama, drama that should have been resolved within the first 5 minutes of the episode if any of the

Ichigo’s actions were involved in what made that episode so terrible for me, but they weren’t the actual reason. Spoiler’s ahead!: