
What’s the deal with crafting parts now, can they be used for anything at this point?

You’re searching too hard. He was enough of an asshole in this incident without your completely baseless suspicion of his prejudice against Muslims.

I’ll never understand why people can’t count to 3 properly.

ESPN coverage is fucking terrible across the board, how in the hell do they still get all these contracts?

I know you didn’t mean literally, that’s why it was hyperbole...

So you’re claiming that people are literally frothing, that wasn’t hyperbole at all? And fanboyism of what?

“Nobody understands my use of hyperbole. It must be a problem with everyone else and couldn’t possibly be my own fault.” 

Doubt it, as this is what hurt the Wii U the most IMO. The Nintendo titles alone weren’t enough.

Back when Pizza Hut was a full sitdown restaurant, they had the best pizza I had ever eaten in my life. Ever since they decided to become fast food, they’ve turned to absolute shit. That being said, Dominos makes terrible pizza as well IMO.

Doesn’t bother me at all, but it also doesn’t bother me that it bothers someone. From a purely pedantic standpoint though, if you don’t consider yourself to be a mother, then you don’t get a card on Mother’s Day.

All of the Super Bowls played in the Belichick/Brady era have been very close. They could be 8-0 just as easily as they could be 0-8

I feel like it’s probably a mixture of covering their own asses and apathy.

I feel like fairweather fans get a bad rap. It is honestly the most sensible thing to do.

When I was 16 I was a full service gas station attendant for a few months. This used to happen ALL THE TIME. After repositioning themselves once or twice, still facing the wrong way, people would often get mad at me as if I was just messing with them.

Um, it’s 22.

Not every vote counts. That simple.

She won my state by nearly double, so explain to me what my vote would have accomplished. I’ll pass on the bag of shit, thanks.

There are probably some Republicans who will just stick to the party-line of “big government = bad, free market blah blah blah” without necessarily being influenced by the money behind this, but that hardly makes the situation any better.