EA is going to hit 5 year mark in a 10 year exclusive license for Star Wars and only have 2 games (and 1 mobile game) to show for it. I hope Disney sees the error of the exclusive license at this point.
EA is going to hit 5 year mark in a 10 year exclusive license for Star Wars and only have 2 games (and 1 mobile game) to show for it. I hope Disney sees the error of the exclusive license at this point.
I noticed the “fumble” during the first review they showed and I thought maybe they would say that the ball wasn’t in his control when he hit the pylon so it would just be spotted at the goal line. I came back from the bathroom to see Dion Lewis running the ball and was completely baffled.
Ugh, some of these point values irk me as a fan. If the Re-GZ is worth 200 points, then nothing from the original series should be worth much more than 100. I understand that everyone wants to see the iconic suits from each series be powerful though.
There was actually a Robotech game for PS2 that I thought was really good at the time, but yeah its been a while since a solid mech game came out IMO.
That’s so awesome that it actually has moving parts to go into NT-D mode.
I’m still astonished by how insulted people seem to be when I pass them. I admit that I have a bit of a lead foot, and I pass people pretty regularly during my morning commute. I would say almost 3/4 drivers that I pass get upset about it. I’ll point out that I only do it in valid passing zones, but that doesn’t seem…
Trump’s egomaniacal bluster certainly isn’t helping, but it is nowhere near his fault we are in this situation. There is a VERY long list of presidents who allowed the issue to reach this stage.
You can tell a lot of modern Patriots fans are voting when Tedy Bruschi has a good amount of votes and Ben Coates does not.
I’d say sports media eats just as much shit on this one as the Patriots. It wasn’t the Patriots themselves hyping it up continuously since the draft. It wasn’t the Patriots that had been “debating” the possibility of a perfect season before even a single game had been played on the season. Every single article about…
And yet he didn’t seem to have any issues with his players refusing to go to the White House. Belichick just wants to win.
There are several facets to this debate going on, that I honestly don’t know what to think at this point. Kaep is not a very good QB but he IS better than a lot of QBs that currently have roster spots, so at first glance I would think that this is indeed politically/racially driven. However there are also a lot of…
Yup, Ike equipped as Greil and Roy equipped as Eliwood. Very nice
Every single date on the calendar is the anniversary of literally millions of deaths. Who the fuck cares?
Not really, most companies require 2 weeks notice for vacation time so they can work with you to fill in the gap while you’re out. If you disappeared for a few weeks with no notice and everything ran smoothly, then yes your position isn’t really necessary.
There’s nothing mentioned about a paycut with the new position, that’s just your own speculation.
He didn’t fire her. He eliminated her position and offered her another job, which she walked away from.
I’m an avid FGC spectator, and I don’t see any way to justify esports being in the Olympics. Chess isn’t an Olympic event either, because there is no level of physical achievement involved. Esports are no different.
Meh, I’ve seen Magic players string together way more attacks than that before.
Bob Kraft is easily one of the best owners in the NFL. The players love him, and Gillette Stadium is one of the only stadiums in the league that wasn’t built with public funding.
This was the kind of thing that killed the nemesis system for me. I killed one three times, full execution each time, across an hour or so of gameplay. He showed up a fourth time like twenty minutes later and I just turned the game off. I felt like I couldn’t go fifty yards without one of them showing up and…