
Did he seriously list North Korea among the nations that challenge the idea of the US being a dominant force?

There were a lot of games that showed up this year that I’m excited about, but E3 itself is completely worthless to me. I tried watching a few conferences and I seriously couldn’t be bothered, I just waited until the trailers were available on youtube. I swear I heard someone yell “Shut the **** up!” during the

This just seems like pissing in the wind to me. Calling out a company for not being more involved in something they’ve never even pretended to care about.

Faye gets physic fairly early on if you make her a cleric, but yeah my progress was quite slow in that battle as well.

Particularly I had a lot of trouble with Grieth’s Citadel. Witches, Snipers, and an unending stream of summons made for a grueling battle.

Listed as questionable with a neck injury.

If they do nothing they’ll get the same thing eventually, only further north.

Don’t buy into the sensationalism of the article, this thing could not be considered to be even approaching the same realm of yield as a nuclear device. 11 tons of TNT is nothing, as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki weapons measured in the thousands of tons and our modern strategic nukes measure in the millions. For all

I apparently like it more than you do, but it hasn’t blown me away. After the first few sessions, I found it hard to play more than a couple of hours at a time. I probably have about 30 hours into it by now, and like you, haven’t touched it in over a week.

I still love the flow of combat, but there are a lot of features that are definite backsteps from the previous games.

Because there are other things to consider. We demand characters with more depth, but now we also demand characters that will accomodate any and all real world preferences of the players? To be given more depth the character must be made into their own person, which inherently goes against the character being

It was better than what some areas had, not all. Massachusetts already had a more progressive, and IMO better, health care system which was put in place by...a Republican! I know, its crazy right?

So what? We have weapons in museums from the middle ages that would hold up better than anything Hyrule has to offer. Hell we have firearms older than that, that have seen combat and still function well.

Yeah, this is by far the most frustrating element in the game. Hyrule’s blacksmiths are abysmal, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

It isn’t about offering comfort to the victims, or even balancing things out. These people have absolutely nothing to offer the rest of humanity other than more pain and anguish. They have committed one of the worst crimes a person can commit, for nothing more than their own greed. When an animal kills a person we

It was actually a pretty weak jump though.

I love the Fire Emblem series, but unfortunately this game has already run its course for me. I’ll probably revisit it every once in a while just for the quest of summoning my favorite characters, but other than that it already feels dull.

Worst part is I’m sure the hollywood writing team, upon learning that she was a cyborg, immediately thought “oh so she’s robocop, we’ll go with that angle then”. There obviously wasn’t a deep creative process involved in this decision. It’s just laziness.

The biggest problem with this movie, is that I can’t help but notice Aramaki is being played by Vic Romano.

It’s not that she has to be flawless. It is just a stupid overused hollywood theme of creating a super soldier and manipulating them, then suddenly they learn the truth and break free.