
To someone who disagrees with him, yes.

You’re missing the point. The fear is that Windows would enforce restrictions that could effectively make their store the only option for developers to release their Windows-based software through. This isn’t happening now, but Sweeney is saying that he thinks that is the direction Microsoft is going.

But that’s his whole point, right now they have the freedom to do that. He thinks they are working towards removing, or at least restricting, that freedom.

The fact that people have been convinced they NEED these college-level skills is the underlying problem. You’re bombarded every step of the way that you have to go to college if you want to succeed in life.

Option B is amazing, I really hope they release that art in wallpaper resolutions.

After getting Kill Zone for my sniper, I rarely put anyone else into Overwatch. He’ll get a high chance shot on every single enemy, the rest of the team is on mop up duty.

Those are Stormcast Eternals from Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, which is the replacement for Warhammer Fantasy. They are Sigmar’s immortal, magical warriors.

He’s a Wolf Priest, Rune Priests are their psykers. Not only that but this isn’t just any Wolf Priest, it is Ulrik the Slayer.

22 caliber wouldn’t kill a space marine even with a headshot (except through the eye). Their bone structure is modified with ceramic compounds similar to the material their armour is made out of. Their skeletons are almost bulletproof.

His helmet is in his left hand.

Give it a little tappy, tap tap taparoo.

“Stupid person has been stupid with his money.”

The second set of screenshots look pathetic for a modern game either way. Is there some context here that I don’t know about or does the game really look this bad?

My only question is: what did you do to the chicken?

The second coming of Christ hasn’t happened yet, so how would you know that its better?

Batman Begins is the only Nolan one that I actually enjoyed. I might be crucified for saying this, but throughout most of Dark Knight I just felt bored.

True love is the greatest thing in the world, except for a nice MLT. Mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe. They’re so perky, I love that.

There is no such thing as “getting too good for the hackers”. As the article earlier in January indicated, perhaps it is getting too good for the current group of hackers. But when the top of the line DRM launches and stumps all the known hackers, someone else will eventually show up that has cracked it. Anything

There are also countries where the game simply isn’t available to them.