I think it is worth mentioning that CD Projekt first got their start as a company by selling illegal copies of games that weren’t available in Poland.
I think it is worth mentioning that CD Projekt first got their start as a company by selling illegal copies of games that weren’t available in Poland.
Redundant sentence is redundant.
Try not parroting like a parrot...
To each his own, I’m loving it so far.
Not really, MechCommander was more of a realtime tactical experience.
Oh hell yes, we definitely need MechCommander 3.
Lighten up guys. You can tell by her letter that she’s a good Christian, and they never disrespect anyone right?
They’re not division rivals, but the rest of your post is spot on :)
AAA studios give us broken promises and vaporware all the time, and seriously think about how many absolutely terrible video games have been released over the years. Crowdfunding is still very new compared to the publisher model. Writing it off for having the same problems is silly.
The success rate of Kickstarter is probably similar or even better to the success rate of the entire video game industry. So are you going to give up on video games completely?
Return of the Jedi was better than Force Awakens, and I dare say Phantom Menace was better than Attack of the Clones.
This is one of the best ever IMO
I find this to be rather short-sighted of them, doesn’t really matter though. People who are equally, or perhaps more, talented than they are will come along and undo the new anti-copy protection that they seem so afraid of.
Why not?
Aww, no robots?
I don’t know why they’re so determined to use the CG here, it was pretty much unanimously disliked in the movies.
It should be an anime, possible an OVA. The original plan was that the movie series would be one part of the whole. Particularly, the movies were done as a way of quickly catching new viewers up to the point where the original anime ended, while also reintroducing elements of the story that had been cut.
An imperial ton is 2000 pounds, there is nothing “fucking weird” about it.
All you need to understand is that the US is made up of 50 very different states. None of them are perfect, but some are far worse than others.
Honestly, they did try. The initial bombing strategy for the RAF and US Army Air Force was predicated upon precision strikes on military targets. It was a resounding failure, and they switched to the carpet bombing strategy out of necessity.