
Generalizations like that only hurt your argument. It is as foolish to claim that ALL of science is underfunded as it would be to claim that football players are underpaid. I worked at MIT for 3 years and I currently work at Bose Corporation. I have seen limitless funding (or as close as I can imagine to limitless)

Maybe it does reinforce that stereotype, but it also illustrates how quickly gamers label other people based on their hobbies despite our own cries to not have it done to us.

I can't really fault you for having these complaints, but GITS is anything but consistent. The movie series redesigned Motoko and veered away from the established lore of the manga in its own ways, the SAC series' veered away from the lore of both the movies and the manga in certain ways as well.

They're the same game. Ground Zeroes is the prologue chapter for Phantom Pain.

I'm with you about Kevin Conroy, but I'm strangely okay with Hayter not playing Big Boss. Hayter is Solid Snake to me, definitely, but I've been waiting for the real moment where Big Boss turns the corner and becomes the man Solid Snake was forced to defeat. Changing his voice actor feels like a way to give weight

Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain are the same game, with Ground Zeroes acting as a prologue or opening chapter to Phantom Pain. Remember MGS3 when you played the first mission before the opening credit cinematic and before the game really started? Think of an extended version of that.

This is obviously a terrible tragedy. How will we ever maintain our ridiculously high teen pregnancy and divorce rates under these conditions?!

You can definitely tell this is made by former Relic employees, such a heavy Homeworld feel. I have high hopes for this game, but imagine if Gearbox had these guys make Homeworld 3. Homeworld space combat mixed with this land combat in one game? I'd be in heaven.

The timeline is fine, we went into Afghanistan 12 years ago. Even if the narrator was only 5 years old at the time, he would now be old enough to enlist.

I think you're missing the point of the article. Unless I'm mistaken, the author is trying to point out that while WW2 video games identify the Nazis as the bad guys there is never any reference to the horrors they inflicted on the Jewish people. The main character being Jewish in this game would be an indication of

We're too busy playing all our other games :)

They're blades, and you can see them in Darth Malgus' lightsaber in the SWTOR trailers as well.

He did indeed escape the Sarlacc Pit, and has been straight pimpin' ever since. In the latest SW series that I read, taking place after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, he has become the new Mandalore.

Who cares? Try to convince anyone that He-Man's iconic costume is "battle ready".

Regardless of what EA can bring to the table, I really don't understand what these people see in granting exclusive rights. Maybe somebody can explain it to me, but no matter what EA has promised Disney in the deal, doesn't it stand to reason that Disney can easily just make more money by having 3 different

Crytek, you know the guys who bought the studio that was making Battlefront 3 to begin with. Not to mention the little thing known as CryEngine 3, which is also being used for a modern space sim. Can you say X-Wing vs TIE Fighter revival?

Well that's just peachy. One bad decision with the franchise after another Disney. Congrats on that

I cringed every time I read "ninty" in that post.

The kickstarter was from a group of fans, not the original creators. And to be honest I'm glad the fan group was out of the running. Their intention for the franchise was to move it to tablets for "more accessibility".

This makes a lot of sense to me. As much as I loved Hayter as Solid Snake, his story is over. This is Big Boss we're talking about now, and while Hayter has voiced Big Boss in the past, he did not in MGS4.