SarsAttacks'll take the wine with the gravy

A black woman started #metoo a decade ago.

It was indeed a poor attempt of snarky self deprecating reflection. My way of saying I’ve been a piece of shit who is guilty of exactly the behavior she’s pointing out in this piece. And in delivery I just proved it. It’s definitely uncomfortable poetic justice.

Methinks people need to recalibrate their sarcasm meters before tearing into you. People always looking for blood and inserting their own syntax into sentences...

I get exactly why people are pissed but doxxing is pretty fucking heinous. As it already is, women face more severe online harassment than men.

See, his wife is a woman, and the police are nice to her. I’m sure the fact that she’s married to a cop has nothing to do with that, by the way.

Bingo. This is exactly what he means. “Normal” people like his wife and friends don’t experience police brutality, so it’s not a thing we need to worry about.

Do fuck right off.

Unfortunately I don’t think that a person who doesn’t trust statistics that don’t even apply to them has the rationality to respond to even the most persuasive argument. People that hold power typically want to keep it and asking them nicely to please stop oppressing us isn’t going to get anywhere.

He used “sexistly,” so I think he he’s most definitely a hugely good Englisher.

i’ve never reacted like that when my feelings were hurt...LET ALONE IN A PROFESSIONAL SETTING.

I think the male officer is just trying to say “My wife and close friends and family do not have police brutality problems, so why would trans people?”

“Precisely because you and your family go through life without ever being hassled for no reason, it’s understandable that you don’t see those who are routinely hassled. This seminar is to make you aware of issues you might not understand or even know about.”

“My wife” must be some sort of comprehensive news service that beams statistical information directly into his brain. Or he’s a bloviating narcissist who doesn’t know how words work. One of the two.

I’m confused - is the wife of the questioning officer trans? If not, then what’s his point? “Trans people are subjected to police violence” - “well, my wife has never mentioned it to me”. Which, if she is, then it seems odd he would be “questioning” the state in a WMP way?

i love that it’s a chubby white guy yelling at a woman and a black man about this.

Oh my God I have NEVER raised my voice like that when my fee-fees were hurt what the fuck??? Like, you are that reactive and explosive and you’re IN THE POLICE FORCE? (I realize these are just rhetorical questions but it’s all I can do to get my visceral reaction out)

I feel for Weber and I’m extremely worried this is

Who knew cops were so easily... triggered?

You know your life is in jeopardy when momma comes at you all calm, smooth-voiced, and hair, makeup and nails are on point. I stood at attention during her video th n clapped giving her a standing-O.

Oh no. Just watched the video and it’s worse. The moran didn’t use stars; they actually misspelled the slur. That’s... wow.