was questioning what people’s response would be to finding out that a large Japanese manufacturer had an all-Japanese board.
was questioning what people’s response would be to finding out that a large Japanese manufacturer had an all-Japanese board.
If greys want to argue that I agree with him but I’m too stupid/angry/female to know it, explain his position and stop telling me mine. I’ve asked him to do so, and he just gets huffy and switches topics in an attempt to evade my question. I’ll ask again, in another way: what is the purpose of bringing up Toyota and…
I have a rich fantasy life. I don’t need prompts, but if you’re going to offer them they’re going to have to be a lot dirtier than that. I’m sorry you think commenting on the internet is hard work that takes up a lot of time and mental space, but that is not my experience. I respect our differences. Rich tapestry, and…
Precious, precious Large Adult Male Son who is a big boy wanting an earnest rap about the issues, pinkyswear: it’s not my place to tell you what to attack or for what reasons. You’re going to have to fly solo on this one, because I don’t see anyone attacking anyone else for anything, unless you think Bloomberg are…
Erm...I’m not quite sure where I made that claim.
Nobody said that. You’re putting words in people’s mouths and making big, sloppy extrapolations from what words they’ve actually used in order to wring your hands about a phenomenon that’s not actually happening in a place that doesn’t actually exist. So you can piss off.
I mean, consistency (and logic, an’ shit) is obviously not something you personally evince, if you were anticipating Toyota’s board of big shots was going to be “all white.”
What “provable double standard” are you referring to there, big guy? Spell it out for us slow shits in the back. I know you’re not pretending Toyota’s a public British company, which is the standard by which Aston Martin was being judged, so let’s clear the air.
You had a hankering for a juicy, buck-passing what-about-them-guys-over-there and then got thwarted by reality? Sucks to be you, I guess.
Her new story is that she identified herself and “issued commands.” You still don’t get to execute people because you’re so fucked in the head you think your television (which is theirs, because you’ve broken into their apartment) is worth more than their life.
Where “string ‘em up” means “don’t make me act in a sexualized scene with a sexual offender without giving me a head’s up.” You guys are such testerics, it’s ridiculous.
Yep. I’ve taken no interest in her since the Daily Show incident, and that was my loss. She’s done and said everything right here. It’s a textbook example of doing the right thing, openly and transparently and with just the right amount of patience without shame or apology. She centers the victim as the important…
Is Munn really taking the stand that because this incident occurred she’s ready to throw it all away? The entire film? Does she truly feel this should end the career of Black? Does she really feel the entire cast is in the wrong for not also saying publicly during promo tours that they are against Black and the film?
You clasp hands like that with someone who you’re clinging to trying to get through this together.
Well, *sponsored post / PR lady voice* I guess they’ve really captured that Streisand-Kristofferson magic, then.
Works for me. If you still can’t find it, google “anna oseran jury in the comments section.”
One more and I’m done for good. Men’s right to earn a living is considered sacrosanct but women need to take one for the team because otherwise they’re single-handedly enabling the oligarchy. I look forward to the next Chapo thoughtpiece on this subject. Good night.
And, further, are we also Tres Concerned when douches who did evil shit that didn’t involve raping women get taken down by any means necessary? Or do we accept that that’s the best justice we’re going to get? Because there are a lot of pee-tape truthers at the moment who’ll understandably attach themselves to nearly an…
Too, I imagine there’s going to be a ton of anti-idpol left-wing-dude hand-wringing about MeToo-style revelations being “co-opted” by the establishment to settle its little internal squabbles and powerplays. They’ll complain about purity and probably invoke neo-liberalism incorrectly, as is their wont. But money,…
Also, we the unwashed have known since at least April that Moonves could get a much bigger windfall if he was fired over fucking up said merger, so he saw this coming and decided to get cute while remaining really, startlingly dumb about his options. Fuck him. Couldn’t’ve happened to a nicer asshole.