
it’s our parents.  They can’t stop.  They don’t know.

My SO and I are going on 11 years (!!WTF!!).  This year, we finally committed... we opened a joint saving account for traveling.  Budget priorities :)

“don’t keep score”  VERY IMPORTANT!

Some people just talk that way due to them books.  Some people are arses. 

Ah!  I have been using it wrong.  I usually use it for process/procedure changes - like “We need to work on the verbiage of the document”.  Though maybe that makes sense...

I have that problem too. Sometimes it just feels correct to blinker up but I really want to turn right... (assuming that blinker up is left).  This all together makes me not use the blinker that much

It’s like the people who die on Everest.  Good attempt and yes, it’s sad.  But nature won.  That’s how it is. Leave the bus and let people make their own adult decisions.

And how do the adults do it? My nephew constantly grabs me while swimming because he wants me to pull him somewhere. I’m a good swimmer, but he’s wearing a life jacket - he’s basically above me in the water, so it feels like he’s pushing me down.  It’s an anxiety producing swim time for me, when he’s grabbing my

I have tested this and it works. I’ve ‘sold’ a matress, a book shelf, those crappy little cubby holes... so much.  I always explain I can’t deliver, so it’s worth it for the seller too ;)

This video makes it look easier than it is.  You need a good 45 minutes to clean blinds, especially if they be kitchen blinds.  I soaked mine last month in the tub and still needed to wipe the things down individually.  It’s a pain. i wish I was pro-throwing-things-away because I would replace blinds every other year

lol don’t you want to meet the person who drinks 25 cups of coffee?? however, this is a UK study, their cups are smaller than the US cups I’m used too

Xanax, yes.  A line of coke, no

Second on pliers

Minesweeper was one of my favorite games as a kid (I also liked the typing games. I know, it’s bad). I won the expert level in less than 60 seconds when I was about 12... what a great memory lol

lol!  reminds me of my life motto, which is Life is hard.

Wow, that seems very... jerky

yeah, i was pretty disgusted too. I installed a towel rack in my locked room and stopped those shenanigans

oo, I like this idea

I did the craigslist way of roommating, but thankfully we all had individual leases! Individual leases are the best! That’s my only advice really.

I think that’s why trumpanator picked Pence - no one would want to assassinate him because we all know Pence would be worse!