
Also probably will have loads better CG than Inhumans (and no terrible wigs!)

I watched the full panel, and Tom Austen was talking about how “you think you know what’s going on, what the situation is, but then around episode 5 or 6 everything just turns on its head” or something along those lines.

Yeah I mean.... I was disappointed by that, but it’s also understandable. They’re not working with an unlimited budget, even GoT had to severely trim the direwolves scenes. So I get it. And if you ask whether I’d rather they included all the daemons at the expense of sacrificing story or expansive visuals in other

Reading about this show made me think of Somewhere South too! I’ve caught a few episodes of it on PBS lately and really enjoyed it.

To be fair, Ronja was done by a CG studio called Polygon Pictures. Goro directed it, but Ghibli itself had little to do with the series other than the name and some funding.


They very likely don’t, the network is already saying they may not continue the show at all. And that’s pretty par for the course when it comes to scandals of any kind in the Japanese entertainment industry where immediate erasure is the go-to response.

On the other hand, with the (lack of) LA traffic at the moment, the drive over there would be quicker than ever! 

It’s even more confusing at my local Von’s -- for starters, only some of the aisles have the one way signs, others are just “normal.” And many of the ones that do, the sign is far enough down that it can be hard to see from the end which way the arrow is pointing. So with the combination of that, plus just general

Yup, only trash cans you'll find are at the combini or on the train platforms. Otherwise you better be prepared to carry your trash home with you!

Yes, Coolish! The coffee one was the BEST 

Can’t speak for all places but the one local restaurant I ordered a cocktail from did have it packaged separately. The cocktail was already mixed, but they gave me a bag of ice and then the already mixed drink in a plastic container (like the kind soup comes in but smaller).

It says on the sign outside, you’re actually not allowed to go in with other people, it’s parties of 1 only. Tho I suppose you could “just happen” to go in at the same time as a friend, sit at neighboring tables, and ... um.. not talk to each other at all. 

I would still argue that, since the software used to produce the show isn’t necessarily going to impact the “cartooning style” in the way the article suggests. Using ToonBoom or actual pen and paper, there’s a wide range of styles that can be produced both ways and aren’t dependent or indicative of one or the other. 

I made that Sophia Loren lemony pasta last week — it was SO. GOOD.

Omg, every time she talked about “tablescapes” I wanted to gouge out my eyes

Oh yes. Corn and mayonnaise is a very popular pizza choice in Japan.

Was wondering where it’s filmed/set... apparently the setting is a fictional OBX town but they filmed the show near Charleston (didn’t want to film in NC due to the bathroom bill nonsense)

I felt similarly about Dark Angel. Season 2 just went totally off the rails, it was a mess. And then the series finale felt like an episode from an entirely different TV show --- one that actually was interesting again and I would have loved to watch. It sucked to see all that potential get cut off. 

Baby Foot is awesome! The first time I tried it I was very underwhelmed at first, like .... isn’t something supposed to happen??