
I also like her dig that the declining candy quality could be a result of “new construction.” All these plebs moving into our neighborhood from (gasp!) Fontana and bringing their low-class candy with them!  

I mean the way it’s worded is DEFINITELY weird. But depending how it’s made... I could see how that might refer to some kind of coleslaw type topping? In which case.... might not be mad about it. 

Hear, hear! I’ve always loved maraschino cherries since I can remember. The way my mother tells it, said love dates back to when I was just a toddler and we were at a hotel or something, by the pool. I tripped and fell and was crying, until some lady sitting nearby gave me the maraschino cherry out of whatever

Ugh. so true. I’ve lived in some small places — once in a 10sqm studio for almost a whole year — and I can say from long years of experience, that shit only works if you are diligent about putting EVERYTHING away IMMEDIATELY after you use it.

Haha, true. Reminds me of over Christmas, my cousin and I were watching Drop Dead Gorgeous with his 16 year old son and it got kind of awkward when characters kept saying “r*tard” over and over. Had kind of forgotten about that, and we had to be like “Yeah.... so they used that word a lot in the nineties...” 

It’s crazy now to think about how much of a bubble show this was for so many years. Hell, when the first season finale AIRED they still didn’t know if there was going to be a season 2 or not. (Which makes that ending all the more ballsy, they could easily have gone for one of those “season finale but could also stand

One recommendation, if you are able — watch the DVDs, not on Netflix (or whatever, torrent if you have to).

I love the show and have a lot of nostalgia for the early seasons. But you’re absolutely right that it had a lot of problems with diversity, representation of female characters, some light misogyny... And it’s important to acknowledge that, and how much they have grown in recent years. Still nowhere near perfect, but

This is true. I generally feel that seasons 6-8 have some of the weakest overall mytharc/storytelling of the series (felt it really started getting interesting again around mid-season 9). BUT, that said, those middle seasons still have some of my favorite individual episodes and/or characters.

That’s the thing that worries me about impeachment. Sure I want Trump gone, as soon as possible. But in an impeachment scenario that means we’re just left with President Pence— who has many of the same goals as Trump and the worst of the GOP, and also is actually COMPETENT enough at his job to potentially put some of

Omg, I would LOVE to see Allison do a livetweet of the episode ;-p

Fuck yes. I enjoy a lot of different types of beer depending on my mood, but if I had to pick just one style to drink for the rest of my life it might be an amber ale. 

I just recently moved to SoCal, so now I see all the commercials for Tarek’s own house-flipping business. TV ads for tarekbuyshouses(dot)com or whatever where he will pay ALL CASH for your home! And then flip it to sell!

That’s really the only proper use for Chumbawumba. 

Yeah you can get a really nice consistency sauce with gochujang and mayo

Yeah it’s a bit weird. You would assume the report is talking about the set’s lack of proper safety measures *at the time* of her death — not saying anything about how safe it is NOW. So talking about how they are super extra careful ever since doesn’t “disagree” with anything.

Only ever been on one cruise, a week around New Zealand with my parents, but it was so amazing. We booked through a company called Adventuresmith Explorations, they do small boat cruises — our trip was only about 20 passengers plus crew. The trip we went on, at the very least, would not have been great for kids but if

Yes, yes they do. (And Princeton doesn’t matter)

Now playing

Would just like to also add in the totally awesome Hocus Pocus parody from the Hillywood Show:

Oh please, she would totally be making Daisy do that! ;-p