
This is true in Japan. Standard menu listed sizes are short, tall, grande. You can technically order a venti (tho in twelve years living there I can without exaggeration count on one hand the number of times I have seen an actual person ordering a venti) and I have no idea about the trenta (ugh) but I have serious

Don’t forget shrimpburgers at the Big Oak Drive-in in Salter Path!


Loooooooooooove me some unagi

I just moved to LA (I live in Burbank) and I have been really pleasantly surprised by how cool it gets here overnight. Even on a 90 degree day it still reliably gets down to 65 or so which is perfect for sleeping with the windows open.

Yup, it’s that whole toxic “you’re not like other girls” crap. 

My news this morning actually said he “left a voicemail.” Which honestly makes the whole thing even better!

Man I miss funnel cakes.... Despite how dangerous they can be!

I grew up in NC and that’s legit what we were taught in history class — that the Civil War was the result of a number of equally contributing factors, including but not limited to slavery.

Also the Civil War was about states’ rights and the economy! 

Fried yuba manju, the local specialty of Nikko, Japan.

That’s how I do it! Plus various spices/seasoning.

I’ve only ever been on one cruise — a few years ago with my parents, around New Zealand. It was one week, and on a much smaller boat (I think there were about 20 people on the cruise) which imho made it SO MUCH better of an experience.

That’s kind of my point tho. As you say, expat carries the connotation of someone living abroad temporarily for work/etc. But in most cases, if you have someone from China or India or an African country who comes to work in the US or Europe for a few years, most of the time that person would never be referred to or

Arson too, I saw in another article on this fire that there’s another guy on death row now for an arson that killed 9 people or something like that.

What the—-?

Yeah, I really wasn’t sure how to take that line. Given their ages, it could just as easily be “you don’t like girls” in the sense of -- Will isn’t thinking about anybody in any sort of romantic or sexual way (yet/if ever).

So so so true. I came late to the VMars party and I remember before I had ever watched the show, seeing people online going on about Logan this, Logan that, how great he was. At the time, seeing pics of Dohring, I was like “OK, yeah I guess he’s attractive but ... meh.”

omg yes, the STRUGGLE. When you’re talking to someone, all “yeah I love to read, I read all the time” and they go “Oh cool, what have you read lately?”