
Arson too, I saw in another article on this fire that there’s another guy on death row now for an arson that killed 9 people or something like that.

What the—-?

Yeah, I really wasn’t sure how to take that line. Given their ages, it could just as easily be “you don’t like girls” in the sense of -- Will isn’t thinking about anybody in any sort of romantic or sexual way (yet/if ever).

Seriously, THAT WALK.

I was figuring it was more simple than that—- like, some of the Russians grabbed him when no one was looking and hustled him away so he was out of range of disintegration —then managed to escape before the soldiers arrived. 

So so so true. I came late to the VMars party and I remember before I had ever watched the show, seeing people online going on about Logan this, Logan that, how great he was. At the time, seeing pics of Dohring, I was like “OK, yeah I guess he’s attractive but ... meh.”

omg yes, the STRUGGLE. When you’re talking to someone, all “yeah I love to read, I read all the time” and they go “Oh cool, what have you read lately?”

When I started reading fic it was almost exclusively AUs — took me a while to start reading canon or alt-canon stories too. I find it easier to get into the world of a fic, esp ones with non-canon pairings, when it’s an AU because I don’t have to reconcile whether it would or should happen in the actual show. I can

I still remember how skeptical I was when Bones started.

A rec for one of my hands-down favorite dishes involving tofu. (Well, more snack than “dish”)

Haha, I feel bad but that’s hilarious. It can be difficult for some people to wrap their head around. Because for Americans, we’re used to thinking of tofu = meat substitute.

Ooh, that sounds fantastic. I don’t live there anymore, but Raleigh’s where I grew up so I will definitely keep this on my list to check out next time I’m visiting! 


Yup, and in that instance the fact that the panelist actually called them out on it was the unusual part.

Starvation-induced euphoria is a thing. News at 11!

Yup. It’s also overwhelmingly a question of *technological advancement* —

Seconded. I keep my deviled eggs pretty simple (base just mayo and dijon) but I will often add a bit of wasabi powder that gives it a really nice kick. 

Deviled eggs are certainly not Southern, but in my experience the recipe including sweet pickles is a distinctly Southern variant. I’m from NC and that’s the kind of deviled eggs all my relatives make (also invariably dusted with paprika) but I honestly HATE that version.

SO true. I fly frequently between Japan and the East coast, so it’s that same 13 hour time difference. Going TO Japan, I have barely any jetlag— for a few days I’ll wake up slightly earlier and go to sleep slightly earlier than I would normally, but that’s about it. (And really, I’m a horrible night owl so that

Yeah. I’m like, not “appropriate” because.... he’s secretly married?