
Ooh, I’ve read several of those! Definitely enjoyed, and the smut was quite hot!

I definitely agree that it can make sense to leave super-short term stays off your resume entirely... But wow, definitely DO NOT fudge the dates of your previous job as that is very likely to come back and bite you in the ass.

Oooh, are we taking requests? Cause if so, shoutout for Malay style (black) hokkien mee. That stuff is sooooooooo good.

I fly often between Japan and the US. One of the last times, I’d been visiting my family over Christmas and was heading back to Tokyo. I typically book through ANA, which means the codeshare for the domestic connection is United.

Seriously. It’s like all the non-alcoholic beers. Supposedly the idea is that you can avoid drawing attention to the fact that you’re not actually getting wasted like everybody else?

Dropping a few pounds “may indeed help” them. Yeah, that’s true.

Only if you pronounce it like that, with the British spelling.

Yeah I’ve heard that too! Like you said, it’s not about anyone else being around but the more time you spend just wandering around in your room naked, the more comfortable you will become with your body.

That’s true, I’m used to thinking re: all CG shows where rerendering due to a model update would be absolute hell (speaking from experience, lol).

Also, even if there was a magical way to keep literally every other thing the same --- they’ll still have to rerender every goddamn shot in the film. 

It’s cause they’re Tough Mamas who will send your butt to “H E Double Hockey Sticks” if you mess with their family!

It should definitely count! 

Found this ad poster in the local camping/fishing/outdoors store near where my parents live.

Yup. “One of the worst” if you are calculating this by, like, making a list of all things throughout history that ever happened to Germany, ranking them by worse-ness ...

As far as I understand, that’s because the Census is intended to count United States RESIDENTS — not simply citizens. And yes, if you are maintaining residency while living abroad there’s an argument to be made there, but I think the consensus is that the number of people affected by this is so small as to be

That’s the reason that many Americans are freaked out by the heated toilets seats — the association with “warm = somebody was just sitting here” can be... uncomfortable. And I’ll admit it freaked me out at first too.

That is GOLD

It doesn’t really have anything to do with the number of officers tho. The idea is that, say you have an area marked as 1 hour parking but it’s just a sign, no meter that you have to feed. The officer doing their rounds needs a way to track how long a car has been parked in the spot.

As a fellow gaijin Japan-resident .... dunno how good your Japanese is, but I would just call them on it, “this must be an honest mistake” style.
