
The only thing I can ever think of when I hear Merlot is this awful Lifetime movie/Harlequin novel adaptation that I saw on TV once when I was about 11 probably. (No idea why I was watching it but.. whatever).

Maybe she could just write a blog posting letting us all know who Collan's parents are?? That would almost satisfy me... haha.

Side note but —- that third book is really never actually going to get written is it? ;-(

On a somewhat related note— I also never get a flu shot, never get the flu. This year my mom was insisent and hauled me out to get a shot.
The woman who gave it to me looked to be on death's door, I swear to god the woman was hacking up a lung. ("I coughed into my sleeve, not the gloves. So it's OK!")
Told my mom that

AH! My dad did that too. He went through a phase when I was in middle school where he insisted on calling every boy I knew "Billy." To their faces.

I dunno, "falsified feminine pillows" is pretty high up there too...

Same! Maybe it's not technically "tickling" but there is one particular spot on my lower back that is *incredibly* sensitive/ticklish. Even when it's me—or sometimes even just my shirt rubbing against it in the wrong way— and my body gives this involuntary jerk.

Gah, I know. The dark gray dress, the dark matte lip, the boots... the whole look is WAY too mid-nineties for me, and not in a good way. Especially considering she's not exactly old enough to be referencing something she experienced the first time around.

Well, I imagine that's largely because you grew up together. It's the same way with my cousins that I grew up with. I can never imagine a situation where I could be sexually/romantically attracted to any of them.

To all my trains home tonite *smacks self on forehead*

After discovering the "Nuru Tsuke-Matsuge" ones, I've never gone back — that stuff is the shit.

Haha, Michaela Watkins is great and all but I vote for a thread devoted to fabulous Bert gifs!

Seriously! I mean, I'm sure it's just a question of being oddly posed for the quarter of a second in which the photo was snapped, but still!

This Les Mis one that was going around several months ago is pretty classic.

Yeah, but after having just watched the trailer.. feeling kind of meh about the subs themselves. Not awful, just... not what I would do in some places.

Um... Yes.

Yes! Thank you. The whole time I'm thinking.. your "punishment" is to turn the dude into an undead superstrong monster bent on revenge, with the power to rip all your heads off? Worst. Punishment. Ever.

Yeah, some of those creeped me out a bit... but I think maybe I'm more okay with the ones from movies that didn't actually happen until after my own childhood?

OH. Be still my heart. This one is just .... yeah.

My senior year of college, I lived right next door to Loud Sex Girl and her boyfriend. Her bedroom shared a wall with our common room, and to make matters worse there was a fire door in that wall which provided lots of gaps for sound to leak through.