
Seriously, it's a good thing they didn't give that man anything with an actual point on the end or he probably would've shot someone.

Haha, I feel your pain! It's slightly easier for me, I'm kind of between an 8/8.5 — so the biggest size they have in the store will fit my feet about 50% of the time.

Oh my god, yes. I've always been right around that edge where I can sometimes, depending on cut/fabric, maybe fit in to the largest size of pants that most American stores carry. It can be such a pain.

this! <3

And the hands down worst thing about that quote.... the words "for my class"

Not sure how existential it is, but Paul Malmont's "The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril" is another great book in this vein, with lots of bonus literary allusions too^^

"Women deserve better than abortion."

Haha, it's funny I just had an experience with this last weekend. I was on an overnight with my new guy (very new so we hadn't even fooled around to speak of yet) and we were sharing a hotel room.

It never gets old... we had almost identical notices re: semen-clogged drains posted around the dorms at my university, from the "Maintenance Department." ;-p

Ah yes, the sound princess! Standard feature on all Japanese toilets. Most of the time it's even automated. It's gotten to the point that if I sit down on a toilet and nothing happens, there's a weird moment of "wtf?"

yay for the twentysomething pad brigade! seriously, I was never able to get used to tampons — only use them when absolutely necessary, like swimming or something.

Um, okay no.

wow, I could never. just watching that scared the crap out of me. >_<

That's one of the biggest problems with the bill— it violates all kinds of privacy laws. So in the event that it did get passed, it would almost certainly be challenged right away.

he was working considerably later (1960s, 70s), but Jerry Uelsmann is also a fantastic example of this. All of his work is done analog, by overlaying various negatives, burning/dodging, etc. Some of it's really brilliant.

on a side note, what an awful therapist!

THIS. Yes.

Backstreet Boys concert in 8th grade! Oh the memories... ^^

watched far, far too many to count... ^^

enucleation ftw! yet another entry on the list of Words I Learned From Watching Criminal Minds.