Sardonic Rathbone
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i’ve been watching this live show from 1975 throughout the day today, it’s a lot of fun. a lot of playing around with the audience, a lot of vamping (there’s a 9+ minute version of 54-56 in there and a 14 minute Otis Redding cover!). what an incredible frontman, and what a voice

Yeux sans visage, 1960 (colorized)

yeah, it’s from Marvel Zombies 3 apparently. never actually read it

sometimes i think about how there’s a pretty direct line between Stanley Kubrick and this:

wouldn’t be the first time

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i think it’s a deleted scene, not in the actual movie, but this still fucking cracks me up

Even the meaning of the title speaks to a perverted sense of irony.

the Fighting Baseball names are so fucking good. i’ve seen them used in multiple TV shows / movies since they blew up

yeah weird, what would make a show in production at the beginning of the year be cut short

he’s responsible for like a dozen of the best sketches in recent years:

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i’ve really liked John Hodgman and David Rees’ Dicktown segments on this season of Cake. probably the highlight of all 3 seasons so far for me

i’m betting you know about this already, but on the very slim chance you don’t know i feel it’s my duty:

it’s the opening track of Atomic Blonde, too. it’s an absolutely iconic tune, but it’s getting a little overplayed. the Wonder Woman orchestral version is really fantastic though, i gotta admit. i love this version, too

it’s always so strange to see what upcoming additions they choose to highlight

i forgot, they didn’t even air their best new show (Robbie), but just dumped it for free onto youtube which is a truly bizarre move for a TV network, but great for people who don’t have cable i guess

soon the entirety of their original programming will be Ren & Stimpy, Beavis and Butt-Head and Crank Yankers, which is really something

it’s easily one of the best shows they’ve ever had. i recently rewatched it and laughed even harder the second time around, even though i had a vague recall of basically everything that was going to happen. Ned the security guard’s pitch for the Chris Brown commercial had me crying on the floor laughing

they canceled Detroiters, Corporate is ending within the month or so, Other Two and South Side are going to HBO Max, what do they even have left?

to this day any time i see someone who’s like... diabolically sunburned, Peaches pops into my head