Sardonic Rathbone

i bought From Chaos in Aug ‘01 because i liked some of their earlier stuff and had heard You Wouldn’t Believe on the radio. i was 14. i didn’t dig the rest of the album all that much, sold it back used to Media Play probably less than a year later to buy something different to satisfy my rapidly-changing tastes.

i imagine all the DPs who worked on the shows were very happy about the requirement to frame everything for vertical and horizontal simultaneously

The serialized shows are just movies that have been arbitrarily sliced into eight minute chunks for no reason... 

Now playing

what a bummer. truly a mad genius. i’m a big time fan of Hausu, but like others have said, it’s next to impossible to find anything else he’s done in the US

AVC: Is there anything different about filming a Quibi show, or is it just like doing the scenes between commercials on a 30-minute sitcom? Like each scene just has to end with a scripted beat?

the guy who played Joey, whose name I can’t even remember now

i loved this dumbshit movie

i feel like Fast 9 was pushed back so much further than the others cause they’re gonna try to edit out all the Corona product placement which will take a full team at least 10 months

well damn, there ya go. straight from the horse’s mouth

i didn’t google the font, ya ding dong. i put “avatar 2 logo” into google images and clicked on the source

this logo has been used for months and months. it was in all the key art for the film on D+ the day it launched in the US too, it was probably one of the first icons anybody saw when they started the app

the COBRA-thon episode is wild, nobody ever believes me that it’s real. i’ve never seen the fast food one, that sounds amazing

i forgot about the way that the daughter struts into the room in the original video. that shit rules

it would be a year too late according to Hårga custom, but i know of a certain 73 year old man that i would love to see in a re-creation of a scene from Midsommar

a teen comedy with Psychic TV? wow, can’t wait for the sequel where they’re all having such a fun time jamming out to Whitehouse and Atrax Morgue. it’s gotta be Kasulke just flexing his music knowledge, yeah?

i’ve always hated this song. it’s like a Hot Topic come to life, complete with Nightmare Before Christmas references

god, i love The Double. wish Ayoade would direct again

i would watch this show if all the contestants thought they were talking to actual people on the other side of the wall but it was just a mass Turing Test and then they’re all sent home alone and publicly embarrassed by their thirsty-ass idiotic behavior at the end