Sardonic Rathbone

will you ever get the point that i’m not talking about white people, even though i explicitly stated it in my last reply? i’m talking about alt-righters and men’s righters you thick motherfuck

someone please cut that Pirro clip and send it to her every day on twitter or something

i’m talking about right-wing whiners, genius. these massive corporations will do some performatively ‘woke’ ads even if it means losing the business of some extremely-online morons because they’ve crunched the numbers and they’re an insignificant blip

i fuckin’ hope so, cause you’re living in some sort of idiot hellworld where this response and “If you want, I can fuck your wife for you, cuck.” and “This post says absolutely nothing at all, how funny.” are good, persuasive comebacks apparently. cram it up your dickhole, you oatmeal-brained dullard

cry more, bitch. your fantasy world is gone and it’s never coming back. even the largest companies on earth don’t give a shit about you and your kind anymore, and they’ll do literally anything for a dollar, besides pandering to you now. according to capitalism, you’re nothing. total nonentity. go back to the basement

a Sherman’s March type one would be amazing.

* listens to California, especially the mix for the video which is different from the album cut and is even lighter and dreamier *

“This is the worst change since Sideshow Leonard Cohen”

i think of myself as a fairly seasoned swear word user and hear-er, but when i saw In the Loop in the theater i straight up gasped like a schoolmarm upon hearing “allow me to pop a jaunty little bonnet on your purview and ram it up your shitter with a lubricated horse cock”.

I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson—Netflix Original

and it’s not even an accurate joke! most of the time it sounds more like ‘oat’!

i found something to like about this episode: Marge’s box of Wheat Thicks, which is hopefully a Harris Wittels shoutout

the ferris wheel thing is too fucking funny. Steve Agee also tweeted a Brody joke i’d never heard that killed me: “i have adult onset autism”

i went to the Oddball comedy fest where a bunch of big stand-ups did sets at an outdoor auditorium and Brody introduced all the comedians, but before it started he was just walking around among everyone and he’d start talking to someone and doing jokes until a crowd started forming and he’d just start riffing on the pe

in the Favourite? she hits herself in the face with the book

hey, at least it had some self-inflicted facial trauma, keeping that one particular idiosyncratic Lanthimos theme going

i laughed so hard i was lightheaded multiple times, it’s so good

never not star a Rich Fulcher quote

i think it’s actually Daisy’s other arm, but it looks like Oscar has a rockin’ mullet

one thing that bummed me out is that the episodes always seemed to be scrubbed from the internet completely after each season ended or something. there were a lot of cool live performances and they’re totally gone now