Sardonic Rathbone

damn, VR Troopers, Beetleborgs AND Tir Na Nog comments are taken already

yep, although Aubrey traitorously abandoned the Shrimps and joined one of their rivals a while back. now the most famous member is maybe Stephanie Allyne, i guess? AKA Mrs. Tig Notaro / member of Wild Horses

deleting Claudia out of anything should be a bootable offense. good lookin out

they do have Sweet Movie, but that's the only Makavejev on there out of his many deserving films

oh wow, The Boxer's Omen. that's one of my benchmarks for people really knowing their shit, cult movie-wise.

i absolutely LOVE Quatermass / Five Million Years to Earth but i wouldn't really peg it as a 'weird' movie. ditto a lot of the films on the list, like Beasts of the Southern Wild. i guess these people have a different criteria than me. the list overall is very good though.

i've never gotten a straight answer, is Ken Burns a long-running Christopher Guest character? Y/N

is it just me or was this episode like… much dirtier than usual?

yep. it's from one of the first episodes, with Brian Huskey.

actually it's good

i can't wait for the climactic tennis match and if you get that reference you're very smart, and cool and funny

ugh, nu-metal hardcore get the fuck outta here. i'm looking at you Harm's Way, Nails, Trap Them, Twitching Tongues, and these guys. the new wave of wannabe-skinhead hardcore is boring as can be but at least it's better than this 'leave Deathwish and sign with Century Media / Nuclear Blast / Roadrunner' camp that's on

it's not horrible, it has a decent score and other music, but it's just kinda baffling as to why it exists. apparently there was a Bollywood remake too, which i've never seen

he speaks English, in fact he reprised his role in the pointless British remake

oh yeah, in Mister Lonely! i always forget that movie exists, even though i quite liked it. Diego wasn't even playing Michael himself but he still looks closer than whatever this is

this looks like the re-enactments from Drunk History without all the rest of Drunk History

yo where Barb at, tho

yeah, i don't think i've seen anything he's been in for a long while besides his guest spot on Boardwalk Empire. he's been in a few movies recently that i heard all about at the time they came out but never got around to seeing, like that Woody Allen / John Turturro movie Fading Gigolo or that new Warren Beatty one

oh, good catch. Elizabeth Marvel was in Burn After Reading and also played the older Mattie at the end of True Grit.

he'd be good on the show. Jon Polito woulda been good, before he died. Goodman would be an absolutely killer get.