Sardonic Rathbone

so what other Coen vets have been involved with the TV series?

the ratings have rotted off, from being in the cave for so long

so that's a hard no

you have a cogent response, bro?
you able to defend the position you've taken, bro?

you quoted the sentence, but did you read all of it? the implication isn't "it's a shame they're a couple of fuckin' honkies" but more like "they're a couple of bland-ass, inoffensive, nondescript-ly attractive white bread motherfuckers".

i dunno if you're intentionally misrepresenting what he said or if you honestly don't understand the difference but he said nothing of the sort. he said that a huge percentage of Trump voters are old and that it's time for them to pass on and let people whose futures will ACTUALLY be affected make the decisions. it's

dunno if you say this specifically cause you've already heard it, but if not…

i liked the Beastie Boys joke a little extra because obviously they aren't the three wise men, they're Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, there's a song about it and everything

"Keep your mind off the day-to-day worries that make you anxious, like remembering to fill the ice cube trays and race relations."


it's a joke from WITHIN THE EPISODE you drooling, wetbrained moron

oh, interesting. i dunno if i've ever heard him with his usual (?) Kiwi accent then. mainly various flavors of English and Irish

Sam Neill is - as far as I know - an Irish man, but his weird Irish accent in Peaky Blinders is the new go-to target for imitation / mockery among my friends and I. i dunno how long he's on the show or if it eventually gets better, haven't made it past the first episode yet.

or maybe in a weird twist of fate, the things they're talking about happened between approximately 6 AM and 6 PM within the same 24 hour period and they meant exactly what they wrote!?!?!?

now that one has to be Step Brothers related. we'll have to wait and see if it has Randy Jackson's signature on it

the 'for your health' jacket killed me. can't believe it

i just wanted to say that it's been over two weeks but i still think of this line basically every day and laugh every time

oh my fucking god, it's one of the worst trends ever.

i dunno if anyone will see this, but it's truly uncanny. this music video / short film prequel(?) to Turbo Kid was released last week:

i don't see any Bloodline characters i don't think. 3/4 of the characters without uniforms (OITNB, Get Down, Narcos feds) are so nondescript they could be anybody. that might be Paul Rust and Gillian Jacobs at the top getting the Marco Polo bow aimed at them? she's not really that blonde in the series though, might be