
If you ever fall off a drone, just go real limp, because maybe you’ll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.

probably because there were so many complaints from the astronauts aboard the ISS not getting their Prime orders in 2 days

Someone needs to call Naughty Dog and ask to borrow the Uncharted environment tech. The sand from 3 and the mud from 4 (per the upcoming demo) is pretty remarkable.

Unlike this snow which is, apparently, UNmarkable.

I’ll see myself out.

As a software developer I’m appalled at how Fucked your pc must have been. I went through the upgrade on Four devices, including one tablet and the longest time it took was a couple of hours.

Wow, when you have automatic updates enabled the OS automatically downloads updates. Scandalous.

Perfect. $1,300 to read comics. Sounds like a good investment.

Kyle, can you just do all the Apple coverage for all Gawker sites from now on? This is the only article I’ve seen today that isn’t trying to fellate Apple for showing the world a hundred dollar pencil.

I like how casually this author explains how he almost threw a temper tantrum, and gave up on buying a toy he wanted because he could not buy all the toys he wanted.

I would also be dumped by my wife if I acted like this about toys, let alone haul our asses to sit in a line at midnight. Her response after reading the article: “Why didn’t he just order it online like a normal person? Was it worth a lego piece that’ll be lost in a couple years and a poster that’ll be tossed in the

I’m not sure anybody has EVER used the words “Wrangler” and “refined” in the same sentence. So... congrats?

Inb4 “if it was a manual he wouldn’t have been able to drive off”

An Air Force flight once requested Flight Level 600 (60,000 feet). The controller laughed and replied “If you can climb that high you can have it.”. The pilot answered “Roger, descending to FL600”. It was U-2 returning to its base after a mission.

Tales from the New Horizons

Well then. As the name of the festival suggests...


This isn’t trolling. This is an example of how Target should handle complaints. When people believe stupid shit, they need to be called on it, not coddled.