
I’m a teacher with a history degree that wants to teach in the museum field, and who loves cosplay and ren fests. What I’m trying to say is, I think I just figured out my dream job.

I can not believe you would accuse the letter writer of blowing up a marriage, if she were to tell the wife her husband was cheating. She would not be the one ruining the marriage, the shitty cheating husband is to blame for that.

No. No you do not blow up a marriage that you are not a partner in, ever, unless someone is being physically or mentally abused.

Hi everyone!

This girl is coming home!!!! The insurance company approved home care for her, we’ve already met with a representative from the company that will supply her care, and it should be two more weeks until we’re out of the hospital. All the staff needs to go meet her first and learn her current schedule and preferences,

My word, reading your article after reading the “Ask Jane” shitshow this morning is like night and day. Your advice is (as always) spot on, caring, and relevant. I enjoy every one of your articles immensely.

This! It’s a terrible, terrible feeling, that doesn’t just last the length of that relationship. It echoes ...

Awww. I’ll keep looking for the both of us then. I might have a few saved on my desktop I could pass on (unless they have gone under too).

Yeah, it’s really tough out there, which is strange considering the number of women who really need sites similar to this one. But they cost big bucks, and it feels as though the openness of opinion and P.O.V. that were -at least - Trendy before are giving way to hive-mind sites.

I created an account to say exactly the same thing. I would say it drives me nuts because I’m a psychologist, but that doesn’t even matter, because I’m a human and this is consistently the absolute worst advice. Sex therapy as a last ditch effort? She and her mom are “codependent”? Encourage people to lie to their

Yes! Absolutely! This is unbelievable that Jane presented rape as an option. Something this egregious deserves a published retraction.

Yes. Regularly cheating on someone who believes you are in a monogamous relationship-and who has expressly stated their desire for a monogamy-is sexual abuse, IMO. Tricking someone into sexual activity that they would otherwise decline? How can that be consensual? Jane should never have included that on the list of

Wait are you talking about Prudence? Because the original one left and has since been replaced by Mallory Ortberg, who I’ve always liked - mostly because she loves Jane Austen as much as I do.

I have no clue how a ‘feminist’ site would allow a writer to suggest taking away bodily autonomy from the person who trusts you the most.

Agreed. This is shitty, shitty advice. I mean, if you’re going to list every possibility with no regard to its effect on the people involved, why not include murder? Or, hey - you could take anti-depressants to kill your libido. It’s a terrible idea, sure, but it’s something you could do.

Usually I don’t care, but I didn’t even get past Letter One.

“Get a lover or lovers without his consent. You wouldn’t be the first person.”

Jezebel will never support any version of feminism that makes men feel uncomfortable. Advertisers don’t like it, it doesn’t get clicks.

Happy Saturday folks!!! I’m a sometimes commentor, big time star everything haha but I wanted to share that yesterday my mom passed her citizenship interview and exam! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Baba Yaga vs Dragon already? Noooooooooo. One is my dream new look, the other is what I think will happen in reality. I’m worried reality might crush my dreams.