
Eh not quite. A mechanical mod is something that is no joke and does have risk involved. It is unregulated. This means that there is no computer chip monitoring the status of the battery. Using a mechanical mod requires good knowledge of ohms law, voltage, and battery safety.

Basic simple changes are helping me :

I’ve been working on a sweater. I finished the front piece, now working on the back, the sleeves. Once it’s sewn together, I’ll embroider whiskers on the kitty.

While I can easily think of a couple reasons the weapon went off that are accidental and would be beyond his control, the more you read about this the weirder this gets.

My problem with bad porn is that it often includes negative body language especially from the actresses(es) showing boredom or pain. By presenting this still as ‘sexy’ and having them pretend it feels good, you’re basically teaching boys to ignore these signals.

That is not a word in my vocabulary but I now understand how it sounds on the video.

The last Jester who would be God succeeded in destroying the world. Let’s hope it doesn’t quite play out the same way this time.

If you’re selling that headline as a bumper sticker, let me know where to buy.

Seriously I was revolted how many stars that “groupies” comment had. Do better, Jez readers.

Thinking about Jane’s post yesterday and about some of your comments. Someone posted about intuition and how women have been socialized and taught to ignore their intuition. This isn’t only applicable to sexual harassment and predatory behavior, but I think in all things. I think intuition is something everyone has

Work has got me so stressed out. I work in retail, it’s full on Christmas madness and my schedule for next week has a lot of 10 and 11 hour shifts on it. I asked for Boxing day off last month so I could go home and spend Christmas with my family, but my boss wrote CANNOT BE GUARANTEED on the time request sheet. As

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

Shit, I really just wanted to sneak downstairs and go get a bottle of wine. Did they see me yet. Oh shit, they saw me. How long do I have to stand here for? This fucking blows.

Also my cat would have knocked something off the edge of the earth if that was possible.

UK Update:

Uh, also can you call it an apology if he never, not once said he was sorry but did find a way to talk about how admired he is twice?

“Somewhat consensual.” Hmmm. Not sure that’s a thing.

There’s far too many gender issues in this story than one could unpack in ten lifetimes.

My partner & I were Brak and Zorak. we won third prize this weekend in the costume contest!

Chibi would go well with Clover.