
Not if the person contacted Twitch directly and reported the evidence. Not everything has to be made public for Twitch to take notice

My guess is someone went directly to Twitch, or the incident occurred behind the velvet rope at a Twitch event.

Said it before, I’ll say it again.

Yeah, “out of the blue”, lol.

Maybe Twitch has finally realized that the platform is big enough that it doesn’t need to indulge individual celebrity assholes to survive.

I’m going to guess it’s some variation on “being a really shitty person.”

Saints Row 2, the game where the story is so nihilistic and the protagonist behaves like such an outright sociopath that Volition felt the need to address/mildly retcon it in Saints Row 4.

Eh. I dunno.

“Another recent example is Red Dead Redemption 2, a sprawling open-world game with more to explore and uncover than any single game needs to have.”

Counter-point: Here, according to Steam, are my top 10 games played all-time (since March 4, 2009), by hours.

- Fallout: New Vegas
- Fallout 4
- NBA 2K12
- Skyrim
- American

If a game is only 15 hours of play time it gets a hard “No” from me unless it goes on sale. Since I was a little kid who saved up to buy whatever Squaresoft RPG was coming out in the fall each year I always would take playtime into account (if the game was less then 30 hours, I’d just rent it).

I wonder how much of the “games are too long” sentiment is just coming from people who are getting older and don’t have as much time for games. There are people who have commented here that they agree with this, because they have an adult life and can’t put that much time into a game any more. I absolutely can agree

So the new can't-scroll-past-it autoplay video thing isn't just me? I genuinely thought it was some bug in my browser. Kotaku sure loves making it as annoying as possible to enjoy their website.

Average pay hasn’t gone up a commensurate amount. So while $60 doesn’t go as far as it used to, I’m happy that its remained the standard price point.

The amount of ads in this article (and in general) is asinine. At least, on mobile anyways. Here I am, on my phone, wanting to read this article, and you AUTO-PLAY a video of you guys playing The Last of Us Part 2 and this video gets STICKIED to the top of my phone's browser. So, despite me scrolling, the video stays

Totally fine with a larger number of high quality but shorter games, assuming they’re going to charge me less for less content. Oh, they’re not?

This spins as though the games will be cheaper and overtime will go away - which is certainly not the case.  He just wants these releases to be more frequent so they can make more money.

Max Temkin. Chris Hardwick.

CAH is what happens when you think edgy = funny.

The edgy card game had a racist at the helm? Shocking.