
Good to know that if someone ever holds a gun to my head and makes me choose between raping someone or “hacking” a Nintendo, I’ll get off easier if I choose the former.

What about people who are falsely accused and spend decades in jail? People of color who are still locked up, even though it has been clear they didn’t commit any crimes?

Sony owns the movie rights, that’s it. The 2018 Spider-Man game is only PS exclusive because Sony published it.

Odd that the author says multi-player games were better on the competitor but it was generally known that Xbox live was better for multi-player and multiplatform 

Because of the lack of really any worthwhile exclusives, and the fact that I just like the xbox controller better, my MO last generation was to buy any cross platform games for the Xbox and mostly buy exclusives for the PS4.

Some people who don’t own a PS4 are waiting for the PS5 to play PS4 games. So no, don’t delay. Launch titles are meaningless these days.

Why is Valorant the next big thing? Every time I see pics and videos of it, all I can think is that it absolutely looks the part of a low-rent free to play game.

A lot of companies have design guidelines for icons when submitting apps to their respective stores/marketplaces (apple app store, play store etc), that explicitly recommend not including your name/text in the icon graphics. One big reason is on smaller form factors (such as switch’s handheld screen) the text can

What’s wrong with vaginas?

I prefer icons without logos. the title of the game is right above the icon, you don’t need the logo. the logo just takes up unnecessary space.

I liked the old icon better. 

It’s not pretentious assuming players will recognize your game by the icon only. That’s the whole point of an icon. I don’t need to read that the red fox icon on my desktop is named firefox to know that this is firefox...

When will these downgrades end?

MechaGodzilla is doing IT support and connecting their WiFi Router.

Big G in the reading glasses. Dead. I’m dead.

Per wiki:

As someone whose fandom in the Big G was cemented as early as 5 years old, let me just get in front of the other Olds and say: this short is fucking wonderful and fucking canon. 

Nice to be reassured it’s still okay to be a Godzilla fan.

It’s on Hulu right now, check it out. It's worth a watch.