
All you needed was this face. I could almost see someone photoshopping this to look like the raccoon-eyed pornstar Gizmodo used to use in their article headers.

Have to be that guy...

That cliche gay Zarya would severely piss off Russia. There was never a chance that it was going to be her.

Yep. I’m sure that was their inspiration, and not one of the most popular games, Rocket League. Hell, even the ball looks like the one in Rocket League.

I always assumed weekly brawls weren’t meant to be played more than a few matches anyway? Like a fun little distraction from the regular game.

I’ve never been a fan of your work. At all. But I wish you the best.

Yeah people got REALLY PISSED at that article, and it’s like. Guys. We’ve ranked everything from cereal to like, buttons on controllers. It’s just supposed to be fun, like the medium we cover - video games! We’ve done plenty of more meaty writing on Overwatch too, so...yeah, it’s just a balance of coverage.

Dawg, what?

What happens if you win?
Does America become great again?

Of course if a heart of gold was only ~10oz, it would cost about 1.2k USD. Stone? Stone is cheap.

Saw this one pop up (again) in the comment section of a video ridiculing you guys for your Overwatch Heroes Ranked article...ya know, the “Unexplained Lists” one that ended up getting a slight explanation and how it wasn’t a list of weakest to strongest heroes (like the vid claimed ya’ll had made - which is a

How can you not call them true fans? Just because they aren’t in full body fursuits don’t mean that they aren’t fans. Sometimes less is more and anyone who is a fan of Zootopia would be able to tell what characters they are.

Are you implying professional cosplayers are never true fans of their chosen source material?

Blizzard’s take on the class-based-shooter is so vibrant and full of personality, that each individual character has

Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not representation),so how do you have that conversation?

They never said that they would put him in, no matter where he ranked on the poll. Please tell me you aren’t joining the raging nerds who are -still- outraged over this.

i may not have liked some of the DLC we ended up getting, but i can tell you i did not shed a tear for not having gotten goku, and i don’t know anyone (in my fairly large group of competitive smash playing friends/frenemies/nemeses) else who did either.

Heh, I actually found this to be quite helpful. Any chance of this being added to your video posts on the regular?