
Well, I don’t know how this response has 0 stars.

Why not own monopoly money. You can just print out more and “feel” like you’re rich.

Up/Forward. Back is down.

Well my mouse controlls the crosshairs the same way it moves the arrow/cursor around on my desktop. So when I move my mouse up and to the right, the cursor moves up and to the right, and my character/crosshairs would look up and to the right.

Because up is up. :)

Up is up, down is down. UNITE BROTHERS!

I refuse to believe that y-inverters are human.

Still shared onto Kotaku :) Just pulling legs. I actually enjoy that there is publicized counter opinions.

Good thing nobody here would ever comment before reading past the headline!

Did you read the article? The point I’m making is not that the Apple TV is going to be a disappointment; in fact, as I noted at the end, I think it’ll be a great media device. My point is that the “omg Apple’s building a gaming console” hype from the New York Times and other articles turned out to be a major bust and

mixed signals! (I know you can have your own opinions on topics)

“We must strike Lord Scrotus with the Thunderspoon.”

I follow Chris’s reviews because he is incredibly valuable to me - I almost never agree with him. I wish people would understand that a reviewer with different tastes than you isn’t “wrong” - they’re just as necessary to identify as reviewers who share your taste to a T.

Let the record show that Chris volunteered to review Mad Max. You brought this on yourself, man!

I get it. Pre-ordering a game is just saying “I dont care what the game is like, I will mindlessly buy it on branding alone!” But shouldnt you also discribe how the entire system will work? Even if you have to qualify each section with why it’s a terrible idea, it would be nice to see what they are at-lest trying to

You’re right, I totally shouldn’t have pre-ordered that Last of Us Post Pandemic Edition, which i recently sold for 550 bucks. Or that Metal Gear Solid V: Collector’s Edition which has been sold out for a while now. Not all pre-orders are bad, stop blanket statements.

I’ll pre-order what I want to pre-order.

perhaps we should start judging games based on how many seeders and leechers it has lol.

You also consider Metroid comics that agree with Other M canon, and have taken Lucas’s retcon of Star Wars at face value. I long ago learned how to deal with your estimation of what does and does not constitute significant narrative development.

The Arkham Knight’s identity isn’t the spoiler in question.