
Arkham Knight picks up right where Arkham City ended. I liked Arkham Origins, but it is not essential to understanding this game.

You’ve been avoiding the Riddler trophies since 2009? The Arkham series was one of the few games that I actually thought did a quality job with their collectathons.

I’ve seen it with more obscure releases, where there’s no guarantee a store will get more than one or two available copies at launch. Particularly with JRPG’s of the niche variety. I’ve had it happen where I wound up having to go on Amazon to track down the game because it just was nowhere to be found in any physical

Or, rather than telling people to stop preordering, you could tell them to do it for the right reason.

Yeah, a lot of people seem to forget that this film follows the same structure of the last two Mad Max films. Max wanders around, finds woman with a group of people, helps said woman with her problems and those with her, and at the end he leaves on to the next great adventure. He’s just a character along for the ride

Oof. You guys have turned into the mean kids at school that pass around some girls diary for lolz.

Will these include the original, pre-lucas meddling versions? That’s pretty much the only version of the original trilogy I’m interested in at this point.

DLC pack #1 for Inquisition is called "Jaws of Hakkon," which is likely named after a Dragon Age god named Hakkon Wintersbreath. It's coming out tomorrow for Xbox One and PC. PlayStation 4, PS3 and 360 players will have to be patient, because EA and Microsoft have made some sort of deal and isn't console exclusivity

And I didn't offer an opinion on it, did I? I simply stated the facts. Why do people persist in fanboying on titles that aren't even released yet

When an opinion is based on nothing but conjecture and is built to argue with people who have actually played the game?

The most embarrassing thing to read was this comment, solely because it starts out with broken english, incorrect words and misspellings. this a developer from the game?

So, "no, I have no idea what a review is", is what you're saying. Your understanding of "bitching" seems to be a bit shaky as well.

"Didnt tought" Lol

Yes, heaven forbid they point out all the glaring problems with the game.

You're crazy and old fashioned.

You haven't played the game.
They have played the game.
The game is getting mediocre reviews from most people

Have you played the game as you seem to have a pretty strong opinion on the product? I ask because last time I checked the game doesn't come out for another 16 or so hours...

Why we like it: Saga's biggest appeal is a prickly, temperamental cast of characters that each have fears, flaws and doubts a mile long. They're neurotic, hardheaded and horny, like people in the real world, but have magic spaceships, robot royal families and