
It's developed by Insomniac and published by Microsoft Studios. I wouldn't count on the series showing up on PS4.

Trending Gamer: Total Biscuit

I lost all respect for him when he was an irredeemable asshole to literally everyone (but don't you see that's his GIMMICK! that makes it okay!) which was well before he showed his true colors as either a misogynist or someone trying to get those sweet ad impressions since he's in direct competition with traditional

Trending Gamer: Total Biscuit

Lots of people still play it, so what's wrong about it?

- The world

Just throw the whole trilogy on a single disc with some updated textures. I'd buy that in a heartbeat.

also we're not pretentious assholes. That's another difference

So - after caving in and cracking a smile, does it change any of the critiques in your initial review?

I'm just tired of video games taking themselves so seriously, in both content and stats. What happened to fun? I miss Dreamcast...

It doesn't have to be AS charming as a Nintendo game, that's never going to happen, Nintendo will always be the king of charming and colourful graphics. The point that you're missing is that the non-Nintendo consoles need a colourful game like this so that all of them games on the systems don't run together into one

"aesthetically and tonally braindead"

Oh, so a game dares to be different, with realistic(ish) proportions and bright colours in a world where most developers have to choose one or the other (bright, colourful, and unrealistic characters or realistic proportions and DARK AND GRITTY EVERYWHERE), and suddenly it's an

Humor is 100% subjective. Not everyone shares the same sense of humor. Personally i haven't seen anything offputting about it yet. Don't let reviewers tell you what is and is not funny.

I appreciate the depth of your feelings about this game splayed out in the review. I do get the impression, though, that you let the joke get under your skin early on and didn't make much of an effort to move past it. There's an argument for both sides - either the humor really is that grating, or you were offended

This really sounds like something I want to play, and I'm going to regardless, but with a YES rating, I couldn't help but feel like the overall tone of the entire review is leaning way more in the direction of a NO.

Eh... I kinda wish Kotaku would've designated somebody else to review this. The author clearly didn't like the game's narrative/humour and it almost comes off as a vendetta here. This review was beating the same dead horse apparently as much as Sunset Overdrive reminds us it's just a (***ing) video game.

"I started this game collecting trash, and now I'm collecting trash again." This passing remark might be surprising, even amusing, if it wasn't the last in a long line of identical cracks. Sunset Overdrive has a remarkable ability to turn practically any moment into an opportunity to make a snide comment about its own

I think taking points off for the style is a bit harsh considering it's a very personal thingthat some people (and many reviewers so far) have really loved.

You must not have played "Nexus", a game that proved Insomniac knew they made a few slip-ups and wanted to correct that with a final sublime version of R&C. It really could have become the best R&C too, if it didn't have only 3 worlds.

It's the kind of game that has a quest arc that contains one passage where you befriend a member of the rock band The Melvins, and another where you must perform a handful of predictable fetch-quests to gain the trust of a group of Hispanic women who all wear skimpy schoolgirl outfits and Day of the Dead makeup. That