
its a reference from "Moon". Amazing movie, not many would recognize or know about as it wasn't plastered across national commercial spots. Def worth buying as it's probably in the discount bins at bestbuy by now.

What strikes me about the doxxing comment I saw was that it was posted as a weird, fucked up way of reassuring Felicia Day—their assertion was that the info was easy to find, so all her fears were silly. And it's just such ridiculous logic. Here's someone being vulnerable, and that's how you respond?

"He" if you are referring to the Shepard most people played. "She" if you are referring to the Shepard that makes the video game better.

Seriously are some of these so called men actually afraid of woman speaking about sexism in the industry. Wow just wow.

this shit is out of hand.

There's a difference between a licensed game (ie: a Batman, LotR or Alien game) and a movie-tie-in game. The latter is simply based off an existing franchise, the latter has the game's development tied with the production of a movie, which often results in a rushed production and a generally crappy game.

You forgot about Bungie's attention to being a dick:

:( I love rock band. I wish it would make a comeback on next gen. SO much better than todays "dance like an idiot" rhythm games.

Sure, you're looking for comedy. and honestly, the person who created the original render probably was too, but the problem I'm having with it is that people are treating this drawing as an actual problem, rather than looking towards things which are actual problems.

I don't know what pictures you're looking at here Luke, but the one you used for the article looks more than just a little different from the source material. I just thought I'd show that there is a blatant agenda with the first picture.

Someone on Imgur did this also, and they showed that a very flexible woman (Like a super hero) could easily do that pose.

4D Rollercoaster.

Exactly. You can disagree with her and also condemn the way that she's been targeted online by a portion of her critics. The two are not mutually exclusive.

She's proceeding from that conclusion because we've already ascertained that video games are sexist. Now she's showing all the different kinds of sexism to help educate others and foster discussion.

Seem? Certain people? I got news for you. Saying, "maybe women should form their own studio and make their pink games for girls" doesn't seem sexist to certain people. It is sexist as an objective fact. You imply that women should be segregated into their own studio because they and what they want are not "main

No one is advocating removing all violence directed towards women from all games. That's pretty much a strawman position that people who don't want anything to change use to rail against.

....Or you can download it to your Xbox 360 and it's free forever.

it's free free on Xbox LIVE if you have gold. ^_^

such a great game, it's free on Xbox live gold till the end of the month

Also this month's free download for Games with Gold. Going to pick up the digital copy even though I already own the disk version.