
Oh my gosh have you met any actual human adults?

No, I'm not trying to turn this into a dick swapping match of driving records.

If you don't pay attention to what's in your helmet, what's the point? And i understand that you evaluate everything the rode, I do too. I've been driving and riding everything with two or more wheels for nearly sixteen years (since I got my license) without a moving violation or an at-fault accident. I've been hit

Or we could, you know, not drive distracted.

Aye, because having your vision cluttered with crap is what you want.

Calling bullshit, there is zero reason people would have an Xbox One and not have their cable box/STB piped through it for convenience.

I keep mine plugged in for the same reason he was using it in the commercial. It's friggin' convenient.

I love coming to all these articles super early when there are no details except a single abstract sentence.

Yeah, it's amazing that it's 2014 and people still talk about gay marriage as if it's a two-sided issue.

Now playing

This makes me think of one of the best Buffy/Xbox games of all time, the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That was probably the best 3-D brawler until Arkham Asylum came out. On top of that, it had a solid storyline. If anyone hasn't played it and either has an original Xbox or a 360, you owe it to yourself to

Yes, I'm sure this was a program written for enjoyment, not corporate promotion or anything. This is also far from an isolated incident.


9) Snuffaluffagus

...No mention of how Charles Schulz stated explicitly and firmly that he didn't want his franchise to be used in this fashion?

If one of them involves Origin and one doesn't, I'll take the one that doesn't.

Is VLC trying to save the day?

Generally, some form of story is created as the game is being made. This is definitely true for developers like Rockstar and Bioware.

Sure. I figured more people had heard what they did to her on Uncharted 3, and as a writer I actually admire, despite the disappointment that is the Uncharted series overall.

No, this was actually a big thing. Uncharted 3 especially. They were building set pieces, and they made her write the story justifying each set piece. It was a pretty ugly mess, based on what I've seen.

This is what I wonder about the gamer praise PS4 gets.