

I grew up in Fresno. I even went to CSUF. I have lived in other parts of CA(Central Coast, SF), and other parts of the country(Oklahoma, Florida, Washington) as well as in the UK. I make this point to show that I have perspective. Fresno has a lot going for it, but it's not somewhere that as a person in my late

One really needs to spend a appreciable amount of time here to really know that for a fact. I can tell you that much of my own life has shriveled up and died since I moved here. I moved here for work and it seems that every other aspect of my life has become withered and desiccated since then.


Fresno has horrible air pollution; winter usually brings relief, but not always. Summers are nasty, unrelenting, broiling hot. The city has its share of problems with crime. Winters are not cold, at least not as most people understand the word. Fresno has one major university, and a smattering of minor ones. The arts

Also, Fresno has the most alcoholics per capita of any city in the United States. Certainly no one there is drinking out of desperation or some desire to escape, thank God.

Fresno is shit but....Visalia is shittier.

Fresno has more than 500,000 population within the city proper and over a million in the metropolitan area. Its the 5th largest city in California: larger than Sacto, Long Beach, etc. and certainly larger than Moldova. You can hardly call it a "small town".

However, after graduating from CSUF, I had no desire to go

Um, WHAT? No one should ever move to Fresno. In fact, those who do live in Fresno should move away as fast as they can. Places in California you should never live: Fresno, Stockton, Bakersfield, Modesto, That Tiny Town on the 5 That Always Smells Like Cow Poop (I want to say Coalinga?), Sacramento. I'm sure there

Ah Fresno...all of the California taxes and cost of living, none of the perks of living in California.

Fresno sucks, as does Bakersfield. The whole Central Valley is a wasteland.

Here's where Saints Row IV surprised me: Rather than mocking him for his nerdery, my character gradually got into the whole thing. She was actually listening, and came to understand why Miller loved the show so much. She ended the mission by bequeathing all future IP rights for the series to Miller (long story, just

A solid list with solid reasoning behind the choices.

It also touches on one of the things I liked about Saint's Row IV as compared to GTA 5. Whereas GTA 5 often seems mean-spirited and self-impressed in its satire, Saint's Row IV doesn't take itself it all seriously. The satire is generally good-natured and

You think the majority of people who bought the Wii care about those games? No. Are those games system sellers? Yea maybe. But listing off a bunch of up and coming games doesn't mean shit to a system that has failed to advertise itself properly and get peoples attention outside of the dedicated fanbase.

They've been developing it on PS3 for years now, and PS3 has a MUCH bigger install base anyways, so it makes perfect sense.

Why is it interesting that it's for the PS3? Hasn't the game been in development for years on the PS3? Why have the hassle of changing it to the PS4.

YOOO. I put that bitch in her place with the whole "Who's baby is it?" thing. It was awesome. I think she's gonna try and kill me.

So wait, this is DLC for a WiiWare game that adds a double piece shaped like an L? Lame.

Nintendo... *Facepalm*