
Up next: attempting to outlaw rainbows after storms pass, or at least to make it illegal to look at or comment upon them.

He’s trying to prove that being that hateful and stupid wasn’t just a primary campaign ploy to try to peel off Trumpists; no, he really is that hateful and stupid at his very core.

The odds of there being an emergency where this matters, as opposed to an emergency where everyone on the plane is dead meat no matter what your ex did, are very, very low.

Between this and this (below), your mom is really getting trashed in the headlines today.

Absolutely.  Another tell in the username is any version of “Truth.”

Listen here, sugah.

1000% this.  

That’s what I’m saying - give them extremely strong reasons to ask question!

Plus if it got hit by a lightning bolt while in flight mode everything gets totally fucked.

Seems like maybe another thing to do is crack down on facilities that purchase scrap metal without asking questions.

This is very dumb. The smallest state should absolutely embrace the smallest trucks.  It’s called branding, you dummies!

It’s a dumb and small thing, but I’ve seen in some cars (including my 2010 Sienna) these cupholders that have these stiff rubber wings protruding into the cup space to hold it in place. The problem is that they are made WAY too stiff, so not only does it become a physical struggle to release and re-place any sort of

Plus, the loading port for the Mr. Fusion was in about the worst possible spot to reach.

If the top is down, couldn’t a person also just open the door the usual way, or if needed, reach to the center panel as well?

An impressively negative level of username/post synergy here.

After much thought and consideration, I would like to windmill-slam the WITHOUT button, please.

I wouldn’t presume Dan Snyder, a famous idiot, to know anything about anything.

Why should private mercenary “fleets” be allowed to exist at all?

That was excellent, but I also really liked “Go-Karts” from the Kristen Wiig episode a few weeks back.

Whether this was the most brutal joke-swap yet is now up to Kendrick Lamar.