Or just an oil drum deep in a warehouse somewhere.
Or just an oil drum deep in a warehouse somewhere.
I think there’s an honest conversation to be had about whether this individual is truly a goofus maloofus or more of a dorkus malorkus.
Like a person who gets what they think says “STRENGTH & POWER” in Mandarin or whatever, but it actually says “LOOK AT THIS BIG DUMMY.”
Except I don’t think an all-time classic fun sci-fi movie is coming along to rehabilitate the image of the Cybertruck anytime soon.
I think there’s a requirement that you must be over 60 in order to purchase, drive, or even start a Lincoln.
“This is what we in the business call “a bad look” and “financially stupid.””
“effectively deleting Norrin Radd from the MCU before he could get there”
In fairness, they have nothing else to put on their itineraries.
“I’m out.”
Taxpayer money is used for individual benefit all the time, for a wide variety of reasons, and tax incentives are used all the time to encourage movement in directions the government would like to encourage, and have been for a very long time. Nothing new or unique about the EV credit.
His eventual grave will serve nicely for that.
“In fairness to House Republicans”
Looks like he finally figured out how to make money off this thing.
Yeah, it’s a great line. That and the “I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay” that follows shortly after from the captain.
Plus, Muniz has also not done much that would be on IMDB since Malcolm ended.
Ah, so exactly as coercive as it appeared.
“She’s made of iron, sir - I assure you she can.”
I’ve only been on a cruise once - 4 days, with my wife as our first getaway after having our first kid 15 months beforehand - and it was fine. We had a nice time, although neither of us have felt compelled to do it again.
Did they give any reason beyond that nebulous “safe-keeping?” That sounds like insanity and I can’t imagine why a credible employer would even begin to try that.
How many people do that? And it would have value even then.