
That up-front cost would add to the value of your home as well as be amortized over the lives of any and all future EVs you had, not just the first, so boiling it down to the 161,550 miles driven requirement isn’t the full picture.  (Not to mention the not-burning-gas-anymore part, but I appreciate that this is

“Okay, now for Season 2 we’re going to have one of the leads drop off into an undersea bioluminescent hivemind orgy for a while, but trust me, there’s a good reason”

“Thanks for stopping by - we’ll think about it.”

We must find these increasingly rare instances of wide bipartisan agreement where we can!

Don’t forget Al Franken’s oft-repeated “I like Ted Cruz more than most people like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz.”

Great, so either way it’s morbid and the confusion is cleared up.

If it’s emanating from a vehicle.

Well chosen.

Oh man I fucking HATE it when I don’t get offered a decent Joker or two right away and the run just wobbles for a couple of hands before crashing because of it.  Also the weird cannibal guy thing too.

Damn, this guy’s serious!

Yeah, I noticed that too and it seems morbid.  Unless there was a pipeline of some sort in the bridge.

I don’t know that even Trump would have called Singapore a shithole, though I agree otherwise in principle there’s racial hay that these shitheads will make from it.

Occam’s dull butter knife”

Hell, even if the bridge was brand-new and lovingly maintained every single day by a swarm of repair bots it couldn’t have withstood the hit from a gargantuan container ship like this.

I’m surprised it took them even a minute.

I would totally watch a sequel that’s about where Dignam holed up after Queenan was killed, and then what he did after getting revenge.

“Do you wanna have a mawp, or do you wanna appeah to have a mawp?”

Also every line in the entire scene where Queenan and Dignam are recruiting Billy to be a long-term undercover.  Absolute perfection from all three of them.

Well, it would be the parts extending well out of both sides of the frame also collapsing.

Particularly funny when you remember all of Trump’s Infrastructure Weeks.

It’s pretty funny to say things like “I’ll hand it to Trump - Operation Warp Speed was a huge success that saved a lot of lives” and watch their brains go into meltdown.