
But isn’t that exactly what you’d expect for only sampling parts of a connected whole?

Agreed that Roy and Desi were my two favorites, by far, and overall I’d have to give a slight edge to Desi.

Yeah, it’s a pretty laughable attempt to explain that bullshit requirement away.

“Are you being coerced?”
“Okay, please wait 24 hours and see if you change your mind about that.”

Man, he still just loves his double jerkoff dance, doesn’t he?

If he loses, then surely even they will have to admit that he’s too old to run again.”

I’ll take that bet - the hell they will.

Don’t get me wrong - I agree it’s surprising that she’s still alive after that.

No one’s answered #1 yet, so: third-degree burns seems reasonably serious to me.  Plus, I’d imagine, some ringing in the ears.

In retrospect, I wish that Matt Damon had started a podcast about the strike and, now that it’s ending, announced that he’s sorry but special guest Jimmy Kimmel had to be bumped for time.

Oh, I was very glad she noticed and said something so that I didn’t have to go first and risk getting myself into trouble.

Nobody tell any of this to Elon, or he’ll just say “let’s go for it!”

Great - that’ll be the kick in the ass I need to finally get working on the first one!

I snorted out loud when they called it that.  

Agreed re Tobert, and on a meta level it’s similar to casting Amy Ryan in the first season - a bit too prominent an actor from a popular long-running TV series for a quasi-bit role.

Are we supposed to believe a wedding dress meant for Joy that belonged to her mother easily fits Mabel?”

Although as my wife immediately pointed out as Mabel hurried out of the front entrance of the Arconia, there’s one very visible way in which the dress definitely did not easily fit.

Although isn’t the handwriting thing still a little bit odd?  Or are we to take it that Oliver just assumed that the handwriting on the mirror matched Loretta’s from the scrapbook, but was wrong about that?

She might have also thought that the rat poison wouldn’t be fatal, but would just make him ill enough to not be able to go on, after which he could be let go with the easy excuse of health reasons and re-cast. In that case she’d have the benefit of being right - the poison wasn’t fatal and did just make him ill enough

If memory serves, there has been talk in the past about a new canal through Nicaragua, which would of necessity be a hell of a lot bigger than the Panama Canal but still at least plausible enough to look into.  

Also why would anyone worship a celebrity, a person they’ve never met before.”

You ask this in the age of Trump.

There’s a reason that small (white) town conservatives think that college “indoctrinates” their kids when they come back less shitty than they’d been, after meeting a much wider variety of people than they’d ever had the opportunity to meet before.

At first, my mom countered that that was “different.” I asked how.”

If I’d have been there, I’d applaud you for this.  Ask them the simplest of questions that they cannot answer, and sometimes it dawns upon them.  Well done.