
Anyone powerful enough to invade the U.S. is going to be powerful enough to have overcome that overwhelming force you mentioned in the first place, so I think they would similarly not have a rough time of it.

I do think that any Republican at this point who even considers the existence of the public beyond the writhing mass of Trumpist scum is a de facto moderate, even if by usual standards they wouldn’t be.

The last/only time I rented one for a move, I found that I didn’t have trouble handling it after taking a cautious and testing approach for the first few miles, but MAN was it exciting when I was nearly to my new place, with everything I owned in the back, and at around 15-20 mph hit a speed bump that I hadn’t seen. 

No, that’s just my thing I made up (as far as I know), but spread the word because it’s hilarious!

Crazy - there was one nearby recently that a friend described exactly how you did up there.  Scary stuff.

Without getting too specific, was this in DuPage County, IL, recently?  

Ooh, Abuelita’s been kicking up a fuss!

I agree re: Broderick - it’s always fun to see him, but he’s extremely stiff and unexpressive.  I don’t get it.

It’s not entirely germane, but just for the sake of completion let’s not forget to note that Ashcroft is, of course, a political nepotism baby first and foremost.

I’m impressed with the assumption that those shitty conservative sites will say “Elliot.”  My bet would be that they won’t.

This only adds further support to my theory that it started out as a scribble Elon made on a cocktail napkin, and that he told the engineers “I want THIS.”

Auderer himself responded to the scene of the January 23rd crash to conduct a drug test of Dave.”

And now I’m guessing he didn’t conduct that test reliably.

A Jet going down on 9/11 is a little too on the nose, universe.

It’s funny, though, because the only point in making that offer in the first place is to advertise your business and generate good publicity, and then they constantly do this rugpull and so generate nothing but very bad publicity.  Just give her the fucking car and accomplish literally your entire purpose in setting

I’m not sure how not knowing which company released a movie is really a point in anything (especially in this example, where it has nothing whatsoever to do with the plot or the characters involved).  

It’s been a while since I’ve seen such an impressive “delete your account”-tier stupid comment, so thanks for contributing!

This is a truly hilarious comment if anyone wants to look up the top-grossing movies of 2023 (so far).

In addition to what the others have said about Marvel not suddenly springing into existence in 2008, the California park is also likely loaded up with Marvel stuff because their ability to have any of it at Disney World is severely limited due to a pre-buyout agreement Marvel had with Universal Studios.

I’m honestly astounded that you made it to 2007 before the concept of serialized fiction dawned on you.  That’s pretty remarkable.  It’s actually been around for quite a long time!

And it’s not like SSDs are anything new and expensive at this point (relative to gaming PC components, at least).  It’s entirely reasonable for a developer here in 2023 to require them.