
“And when police officers ordered him to show his hands, he instead produced a weapon and pointed it at an armed police officer,” he continued.“

Say that in court, to the judge, councilor.  I dare you.

As one of likely only a few people on the face of the Earth to have seen even part of Showgirls 2 (and I include the cast, crew, and likely the director in that), I assure all of you that as bad as this blurb makes it sound, it’s actually far, far, far worse. The “filmed on a camcorder for a few hundred bucks” thing

In fairness, that sense of wonder is also experienced by anyone who signs up for a project featuring Chevy Chase after a while.

Also fun to imagine how much money BNSF has shoveled into its attorneys’ pockets to continue avoiding fixing the fucking tracks.

It being America, and not international waters, seems like the exact problem.

Not to mention that Star Trek, in particular, had been terminally flatlined and dead for four years as a franchise (and longer than that as a movie franchise) before his first movie resuscitated it.  Someone who says he destroyed Star Trek isn’t someone to be taken seriously.

Don’t give the billionaires any ideas, or next time they will show up in tracked vehicles.

a movie best known for casting white actor Jake Gyllenhaal as the prince of friggin’ Persia”

I’ve never seen the movie, but I’ve always enjoyed this particularly dumb criticism of it.  

Isn’t that true of most ICEs as well?

This all makes me wonder whether in a different age Elvis might have had a different view or understanding of his own sexuality.

The headline is super-wrong, though, as this wasn’t the Alabama Supreme Court. Should probably be corrected.


“I want to talk to the choppa,” he probably said after learning of the mistake.

I would be in favor of a law - perhaps in conjunction with a treaty signed by every nation upon the Earth - stating that whenever car manufacturers convene a meeting to try to figure out how to increase sales, there must be a public representative in the room whose sole function is to scream “PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE

Greene... even had the gall to say Lake isn’t “serious” enough to be VP.”

For likely the first and only time, she’s not wrong.

Luckily no cannibalism actually took place”

I think it’s too soon to say that with such certainty.

From what I’ve read, the regulars actually do plan ahead to an extremely responsible degree. It’s the celebs and influencers who somehow forget about that part.

The funniest part is that it isn’t actually a hard question. It’s awkward for Ron, only because of his own party/behavior, but it’s not remotely hard. In any sane world this is a gigantic softball of a question, but due to what the GOP has done to itself, they’ve made it an impossible one to answer, so they have to

This has been a hell of a good switcheroo, Crystal.

In fairness to them here, they definitely got out of low earth orbit with this one.