
Fucking awesome.

It wasn’t quite a cameo, but I have some friends (a married couple) who finally got to watch Interstellar, and part of the way through made a joke that when Dr. Mann showed up “it’ll probably be Matt Damon.”  They completely lost their shit when that turned out to be correct.

It seriously did.

Reading back through now, you definitely came the closest.  Winner!

Sure, and between myself and Jeff Bezos we have an average net worth right around 50 billion.

Climate change deniers are far worse, since flat-earthers are ultimately harmless.

What do you think now that the “transcript” has been released?

Jesus wept.

Happy trails!

I’ve never done the research and don’t plan to, but I’d have to guess that this was the first example of the surprise Matt Damon cameo that’s only become more and more frequent since.

I mean, what else could he possibly have to do?

From what I’ve heard, it’s much easier to score on Uranus.


Sanford getting the fast-food joint wrong makes the whole thing even more sad.

Did the principal really have someone go around to all of the restrooms at the start of each period to unlock them and then again at the end of each period to lock them again? Was this just not a very large school?

A disturbingly specific simile.

Under the guidance of Justice Kennedy’s son.


I’d bet they’d take twice the distance for 1/11th of the defenders any time.

At least you can see where you get the flightiness!

Not by virtue of being more popular, they didn’t.