MXC and Ninja Warrior are excellent as well. Wipeout is great, and it’s essentially live-action Super Mario stages, which we need more of in this crazy world.
MXC and Ninja Warrior are excellent as well. Wipeout is great, and it’s essentially live-action Super Mario stages, which we need more of in this crazy world.
It’s basically Ninja Warrior with large people flinging shit at you, and the point is that yeah, I would definitely be in for that as well.
I also liked the part where the winner of the season became a Gladiator for the next season, although right now I can’t remember if that was actually new for the revival or if the original also did that. It felt new to me then, anyway.
Tebow’s nanny’s significant other, I believe.
Not without giving up your amateur triangle-clicking status.
reserved space for joke about Jesus being born in the broad side of a barn
“Couple of seconds” - ha! It’s longer than you think, godspeed aquaboy! Longer than you think!
“Any further and I just know I would turn into the kid at the end of “The Jaunt.””
Nice pull.
I’d forgotten how great this movie is until this article reminded me. Damn it, now I’m not going to be able to fully rest until I track it down and watch it again for the first time in probably 15 years.
Although it turned out fine, I really do wish he’d been able to take the offer and play the Bear Jew in Inglorious Basterds - I think he would have really done well with that.
Jesus! I feel like there should be a computer voice announcing “you now have twenty minutes to reach minimum safe distance” here.
Yeah, agreed. It’s a weird series to try to adapt if you’re trying not to cross the Catholic Church and religions in general.
Could be - I have no idea if this was the origin or not.
There’s not a doubt in my fucking mind.
Yeah, I was wondering why the fuck that was!
Oh, I leave out the “drive-thru” part when I say it. Just a simple “Sir, this is an Arby’s.” Brevity is the soul of wit, etc.
I can’t quite figure out why, but this joke is always way funnier to me when it uses Arby’s instead. I think Arby’s is just inherently more comedic than Wendy’s.
This seems like “I’m sorry - there was no way for me to know that she’d become single again right after you and I got married.”
Nice reference...nice.
That ought to calm those tits nicely.