Until e-sports drops the ridiculous gamer handle identifiers and acknowledges players by their actual birth names only, it’ll never be taken seriously.
Until e-sports drops the ridiculous gamer handle identifiers and acknowledges players by their actual birth names only, it’ll never be taken seriously.
We all just watched Star Wars. We know one of Santa’s super powers. He should go full holdo maneuver on Godzilla.
Die Moist
You aren’t a real fan of Star Wars, because a real fan of Star Wars would realize that you can never have the red guards fight because that is just so disrespectful to the legacy of the Original Trilogy. Watching a dope ass original fight in a Star Wars movie is completely unacceptable. I mean, Vader and Luke never…
My favorite part of that scene was when it ended and we the audience are all like, “Yaaayyy, she’s redeemed Ben Solo!” he was all like, “I’M THE CAPTAIN NOW!” and even more evil.
The on/off headshot kill was top notch.
That moment where they teased Kylo coming back then taking it away was... a gut punch and a half. I legit had feels for a moment like,
I can’t argue with that.
Here’s a thought: don’t eat in your car you monsters.
Here’s a thought: don’t eat in your car you monsters.
Can you imagine 3D World with online multiplayer?
For me, it has to survive at least a couple of re-watches before I can fit it into the ranking, for the sake of fairness, since the original trilogy had endured like 500 screenings apiece by the time I was old enough to buy a beer and I’ve even watched The Force Awakens a handful of times with my kids.
If we give a bunch of fat guys bigger pies they’ll somehow figure out how to eat less pie.
Because we already played a very similar game about 100 years ago with electricity. There was no incentive for electric companies to run electricity out to farmers and other rural dwellers, so the government stepped in and passed the REA.
Having a relative who doctor shops for opioids, I can tell you that part of it is making yourself so goddamn unpleasant that some doctors will just say “whatever, here.”
This dude has always been an idiot. Why are we now surprised?
I read that in Ron Howard’s voice.
Anybody catch Angela Rye last night?