
I’m sorry; I’m too busy using these “compact discs” to update my AOL! I’ll check that out later, though, unless one of the damn kids picks up the phone upstairs.

Here you go - I have used the awesome power of Photoshop to render an image of Jeff Sessions looking like the King of the Keebler Elves:

To be fair, it might have been exactly the right amount of something extremely harmful to one’s brain.

Landing on one foot after a black flip

Guess Uday dodged one, there.

Ironically, the proponents of this bill wouldn’t understand a word you just said.

“Just cause Pollard made a bad call doesn’t mean he is a racist automatically like everybody’s accusing him. “

Sure, but being a Cardinals fan with an even-less-subtle-than-usual Trump display in his yard and as his public face on Twitter absolutely does.

I think it’s more that it already happened and he’s desperately hoping no one noticed.

Sorry to hear it. Guess you’ll have to suck it up.

I mean, you were traumatized by this article.

Definitely not ruling that out.

I don’t know how much looking has to be done with people like the BPD making it so easy, though.

And I’m sure, pretty soon if not already, also -some guy in this very comments section.

It would be kind of nice if “Don’t casually shoot people” were also something that the union urged its members to “Please keep [this] in mind as you go about performing your duties.”

Jesus! Abortions! Uppity! Terrists!, etc.

Oh please. Of course I could figure it out; just didn’t think you had any plans to engage in good faith, given your previous dickish response. Enjoy being a twat to someone who already noted we don’t have any fundamental disagreement.

Name your Senator and we can discuss other things he’s voted for that you are on board with. Or just continue doing what you do.

Nah, he did and it’s well-documented. The only part that isn’t strictly true is the meme tying that to supporting electroshock specifically. If you want to argue that “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior” refers to something

Gosh, what an eternal mystery why “the left” would want homophobes to stop working to enshrine their homophobia into the laws of our nation. Real brain-wrinkler there. (also, ungraying every critical comment currently responding to your nonsense so that you can’t pretend you didn’t see them.)

This reminds me that I really, really, really hope that one of our athletes kneels on the podium during the anthem this time around. Shit, I hope all of them do.