
I simply don’t believe people who tell me they’ve seen the light and moved off of Trump. The fact that a person even for a moment supported him in the first place leaves them with absolutely no credibility, period, as far as I’m concerned.

A plausible way to distance themselves from Trump/Nunes’ idiotic move. “Hey, we’re not the ones being partisan about the investigation - that’s POTUS!”

Well, it’s hardly fair to say this without getting a rebuttal from Kellyanne. Kellyanne, your response?

Nobody tell her that it’s believed to have originated in America. Actually, somebody tell her - let’s see if we can trigger an aneurysm.

I’ve had this thought too - they gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize just for not being Bush - imagine what they’ll give the guy who’s not Trump (or Pence).

It’s refusing to draw a false equivalence.

Illinoiser here - I agree. Wipe it out across the country, everywhere.

Rehearsing the eventual plan for his gravesite.

With 100% seriousness, this kind of thing will trigger their inevitable flip to “well, the President really doesn’t have much to do with the Dow, after all.”

It’s like dapping, but for d-bags.

Excellent parody of a braid-dead Trumpist. Well done!

“Instead of mandating leave, Rubio’s plan would allow workers to draw from Social Security early and then later delay the benefit when they become eligible.”

Ah, well that’s unbelievably fucking stupid even by his standards. Next idea! 


As a DuPage resident I’ll second this - aside from Wheaton (which is a big aside, since this wonderful specimen is from there), DuPage Republicans are less of the insane breed currently controlling the GOP. For instance, the county went for Hillary over Trump (and not by a little bit), and for Obama both times.

Barron is definitely the Tommen Baratheon of this situation.


Yep - witness b-rad in here for confirmation of that.

Nah, you’ll be back. You guys never actually adhere to your parting shots.

Aw. It sounds so grown up!

Look how precious you are.