
Did you not see the “Fox News” part of that?

“It was only two words but probably fucked her up worse than any two words in her life with the possible exception of “black President.””


The very same! Literally, the very same.

Was anyone saying they had an “affair”, though? I assumed it was a one-time pay-for-play.

There is zero chance - zero - that Trump hasn’t paid for an abortion at some point. (Or at least promised to pay for it and then not paid for it.)

Ah yes, the Clinger Wingers. That’s my vote as hardest level by far. I’m not sure if I ever successfully cleared that.

No zealot like a convert.

A poster gives a star.

I think his point is we (yep, lawyer here) don’t get to make them up anymore, as our profession reached Peak Jargon centuries ago.

That’s because Gary is extremely likely to have a dismembered corpse, or at least what’s left of it, somewhere in his refrigerator.

I’d put that song up as the Platonic ideal of “singing an entire song at the increasingly tenuous exact upper limit of your range” any day of the week.

Ooh, he water treads good.

The part that infuriates me the most in The Big Short isn’t the massive economy-destroying financial fraud part*, it’s the 100% correct statement someone (Steve Carell, maybe?) makes toward the end: “They’ll just blame it on immigrants and poor people.”

* I am infuriated by this too, obv.

I think hacking in and getting some Ron Burgundy-style shenanigans out of it would be even better.

That’s true of most things, though.

Look, some of us are trying to soothe and still these troubled partisan waters we all find ourselves in, but you keep sternum.

I can’t remember which Weasley he played in the Harry Potter movies but I’m sure he was good.

Aw, surely you remember Bobby Jindal’s memorable impersonation of 30 Rock’s “Kenneth the NBC Page”?

It’s apples and attempted apples.

I mean, what is “attempted murder,” honestly? Do they give a Nobel Prize for “attempted chemistry”?